Jensen toxic scandal! ‘Jakkabum’ doesn’t have a job for 4 years, reveals today that he’s back. Ask for a job opportunity to pay off debt.

Thursday, September 1, 2022, 09.35 a.m.

It’s been called a storm of scandals for comedians, Jug and Bum, and what made the point was that a mysterious woman came out and joked that a politician spokesperson sent a secret message. made this matter to be sued And the scandalous news made no work for up to 4 years and a lot of debt. Ready to reveal a new love story All issues in the hot talk show SHOW broadcast on Channel 31 with PK Piyawat and Peggy Srithanya as MCs.

Comedy, a politician’s spokesperson sends a secret threat to a mysterious girl. Is it about us?

Jukkabum : I’m a reporter who called me, who can’t be funny. Politician spokesperson, now I’m alone, no one. The reporter called me and I didn’t even know about it. Lane tells the story of what happened.

what happened?

Jukkabum: It was caused by a number of reasons. not just the cause It continued for a very long time. until it spreads without end which I do not understand what my parties want They want me to have no place in society? Give me no job? Do you want me to completely disappear?

Is there really a secret delivery?

Jukkabum : I would like to ask permission not to speak because it is the story of the process of justice. Everything has an origin. All of a sudden, I’m going to sit and send it to someone else because there’s no reason. There must be a reason It must have an origin. But when the news comes out and people see the news, I still haven’t entered the justice system. I haven’t been to court I haven’t met a lawyer yet. But society has judged me. What I did best at that time had to come out and defend myself. I just wanted to try to explain it to other people. Today, everyone can only look at their mobile phones and prepare to be cynical by reading no more than 3 lines in full. I don’t know what the actual content of the event is.

With the parties who have known each other before?

Jakkabum : We have had a dispute to the point of litigation. I had filed a lawsuit against him once per round. There was a press conference before the Director-General of the Thonburi District Court at that time about the incident at that time and thought it would be over. It also has events that constantly disturb the mind. brought to this event

Sue back with a 7-figure monetary value?

Jukkabum: Yes, sue 2 people, they have someone to help him. I’m not angry with the person who helped him. I just wanted to explain to him that he wasn’t wrong in helping people. But before helping people, you have to listen to the reasons for both sides. Claims for damages are not in my point. All I get is that I come out to protect myself. protect human dignity Take the position that I just received the opportunity from the elders who gave him the opportunity to be a spokesman for politicians. I just started as a little guy who got the chance. I just fell and I just stood up and kicked my leg to cut me down again?

Hit with the word spokesperson position?

Jukkabum: It’s good that the elders listened to reason from me. set up a committee to investigate He called in to investigate the facts and voted. The party leader gave me the opportunity to clarify.

What do you want to say today?

Jukkabum: Actually, a lot of people ask me about all the things that happened. I don’t feel anything is impossible. The amount of time it deteriorates me enough to be good. Always have something like this I blame myself partly too. Why does this happen all the time? But I have to solve problems so that I can move forward. I’m sorry for the people who judged me because today the sergeant was my name. No news, I made merit to build a church. create no monk There are only clowns in the house, slapping wives, everything is bad news. But I don’t blame anyone. It’s okay. I thank you for this kind of incident. It’s a vaccine that makes me stronger.

During the down payment?

Jakkabum: Noi Jai, we sit back and think back to the days when we had a job, had money, had opportunity, had everything. But when we make a mistake, 1 2 3 4 may become a tool for someone who wants to destroy us. We don’t know if anyone thinks this way with us or not. I’m indifferent why we have to what do you want to see me Where would you like to see me fall? Why not give me a shout I don’t need anything, I need a chance.

4 years without a job at all?

Jukkabum: 4 years, living day by day. I’m not mad at anyone, I understand. It’s not wrong that he won’t choose me, no one wants to see someone with a scandal. But while facing such monsoons, I stayed conscious. I was able to do everything. But that day I didn’t have a chance to do it. I lay staring at the ceiling no money mind makes me think What can I do next to make a living for me? What do I like, what do I want to try? Pull yourself up and do things you’ve never done.

Doing what?

Jukkabum: Whether learning to cook new theory agriculture coffee competition until the runner-up came Recently went to study bartenders.

How do you think the coming monsoon will end?

Jukkabum: Now sue him. it is to protect yourself Live with encouragement from brothers. Teacher that he still believes in me He also listened to the reasons when explaining. I really survived with just this.

Have to go to borrow money?

Jukkabum: Probably about a million baht. and the debts and ex-boyfriends involved in doing business together. Let me tell you right here that the debt here is not escaping. Today I just stood up and asked to open up opportunities to work, make a living, I have strength, I have energy. I definitely refund every baht and every satang to everyone.

Have you ever been charged with debt?

Jakkabum: In the past, I was involved in debt from daily to monthly, yearly, but I’ve been through this. Slowly trying to explain to him on the screen, give me a chance to breathe.

During the debt break up with your ex?

Jakkabum: We can’t go together, talk to each other, part of us understand each other. But there is a courting of money when doing business together. It’s a duel that we can’t be together Please remember the good things because he has done a great job for me

Have you thought that you don’t want to live in this world anymore?

Jukkabum: In my opinion, I don’t have any. because I work in the rescue together with gratitude I was in the mode of feeling the loss, I was in the mode of having to call the relatives of the deceased. I remember that feeling of loss. If this happened to me, my family would be sad. I still have hands and everything. Today I care about people who understand me.

When did you sneak away to be ordained?

Jukkabum : During the time of the problem of burning the house for about a year, at that time I did not intend to go to ordain. We had the opportunity to talk to each other. Accidentally stumbled upon the temple I wanted to try the Dharma practice for 3 days. When the monk saw it, he greeted me something, asked him to be ordained for 9 days. When the monk greeted me, he decided to be ordained for another 2 days, then ordain for 15 days.

Ordained to escape debt?

Jackkabum: Being a monk can pay off debt. I am a person who has

If I were to escape my debts, I would rather flee abroad than the creditors could not find me. not come out and show no liability Today I came out on the show, I still say that I’m willing to spend every baht, every satang, ask everyone to give me a chance. I just got my baby on my feet

After completing the ordination, go back to being a temple boy again?

Jakkabum: From the place of ordination, we feel in. Dharma heals me It’s a covid crisis. So I asked permission from the monk to intend to keep the 8 precepts for 1 full month. Coming back at that time was given the opportunity from P. Ped. I was annoyed for 10 years with my darkness, ran away from work, not going to work, but Nui gave me the opportunity to accept me to work. That day, on the stage, Nui Am Rao We saw Pee Pee standing and smiling. We are glad that he smiles and laughs at us. After that, P’Ped asked Nui to message me if I want to go back and play before the afternoon to relieve stress. I’m very happy to cry happy with his forgiveness I want to thank Uncle Ped for giving this bad boy a chance to come back. Thank you sister many thanks Give me a chance to believe that I can be a good person to everyone.

Is the person now and the person in the past still the same person?

Jukkabum: I can’t invent myself as a good person. I just want to say that everyone can feel and feel for themselves. What changes have you seen today in me? reduced by the experience it taught me Find your own mistakes and gradually fix them one by one But I still insist on doing it.

New love?

Jukkabum : It’s a new good feeling that we meet and talk to each other. Meeting each other was an encouragement of understanding, he was a part that made me adjust, he would tell you, he was involved in helping adjust

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