Jewelry and cash: Man makes a spectacular find in the garden and is 120,000 euros richer

A man found 100,000 euros in cash and 20,000 euros worth of jewelery in a hedge in his garden in Hanau, in the German state of Hesse. The pensioner conscientiously called the police and handed them the valuable find, like the “Hessenschau» writes.

However, the police were unable to identify the owner. That’s why the jewelry and the cash are now going to its finder, said Thomas Leipold, spokesman for the Offenbach police. It refers to the provision of the Civil Code, according to which the finder acquires ownership of the item six months after reporting it to the competent authority.

“We have done everything in our power,” Leipold told the “Hessenschau”. Despite all efforts, it has not yet been possible to assign the valuables to any person. The lucky finder is praised by the police. “He did everything right by reporting the find.” The pensioner has now been rewarded for this.

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