Joe Biden held a call with Juan Guaidó for 17 minutes

AFP- Joe Biden held a call with Juan Guaidó for 17 minutes.

Joe Biden, president of the United States, had a call this Wednesday with the opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, recognized by the US government as president in charge of Venezuela.

The conversation between the two occurred during a flight from the American to Los Angeles, where the president will go to participate in the IX Summit of the Americas. An event from which you were excluded VenezuelaCuba and Nicaragua for not complying with democratic standards or respecting human rights, according to the United States.

According to information shared We monitor, sources linked to the interim government, the call lasted approximately 17 minutes. They also talked about re-establishing the negotiation process between the Unitary Platform and the government of Nicolás Maduro, in order to reach an agreement that would allow parliamentary and presidential elections to be held in a free and fair manner for all alike.

The US indicated that Biden would meet with Guaidó

Last Tuesday, June 7, the US Undersecretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Brian A. Nichols, referred to the position of the Joe Biden government on Juan Guaidó. This after the opponent was not invited to the Summit of the Americas.

However, he announced that he would have communication with the opposition leader within the framework of said summit.

“We respect and recognize the interim government of President Juan Guaidó. President Joe Biden is going to have a video call with President Guaidó today or tomorrow,” Nichols said. Something that was confirmed today.

In reference to the topics that would be discussed, he stated that they would talk about the bilateral relationship in terms of the dialogue process.

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