June 1976: The Hottest, Driest, and Sunniest Month on Record!

2023-06-20 02:14:22

1976 will be remembered as the year that broke several records. In effect, June 1976 is the hottest, driest and sunniest month on record since records began. A heat wave lasted from June 22 to July 8, a total of 17 days, during which 30°C was reached or exceeded for 15 days. Which represents an absolute record and an exceptional episode in the meteorological history of our country!

This month of June is therefore known for its heat, with an average temperature of 19.3°C in Uccle, which makes it the hottest month of June of the century, since the normal is 15.3°C. It was also very dry during this period. Indeed, it rained only 5 days over the whole month, whereas normally there are 15.7 days of precipitation. And in terms of the amount of rain, the total amounts to 12.1 liters of water per m², which is very little compared to the normal 66.4 liters of water. Finally, sunshine was maximum with no less than 302.3 hours of sunshine in Uccle, whereas on average we expect 188.1 hours of sunshine. Which makes it the sunniest month of June of the century.

Despite these records, the beginning of the month was particularly cold, especially for the city of Rochefort where the thermometers showed minimums of -1.6°C on June 5, 1976.

#worst #June #Belgium #heat #waves #destructive #tornadoes

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