Kagoshima Road Closure and Chain Restrictions Updates | MBC News

2024-01-23 22:47:00

MBC News |[Road Information]Road closure and chain restriction 7:30 a.m. Kagoshima Prefecture

[Road information]Road closure and chain restriction 7:30 a.m. Kagoshima Prefecture[01/24 07:47]

Some roads in Kagoshima Prefecture are closed due to snow and ice. Also, there are some places, especially in mountainous areas, where anti-slip devices such as chains are required. *IC=interchange

【Road Closed】

This is a place that is closed to traffic.

●National Route 225 between Kagehara intersection in Shimofukumoto-cho, Kagoshima city and Kawabe roadside station in Shimizu, Kawabe-cho, Minamikyushu city

●Yakusugi Land from near Myojodake Observatory on Prefectural Route 592 Yakushima Park Awa Line

●Prefectural Route 594 from Miyanoura to Shiratani Unsuikyo

●Ibusuki Skyline Taniyama IC to Eiwa IC

●Prefectural Route 20 Kagoshima Kaseda Line Near Mt. Suzuyama, Shimofukumoto-cho, Kagoshima City

[National highway chain regulations]

This is a place on national highways where anti-slip devices such as chains are required.

●National Route 268 from Ishi Oguchi Yamano to the Kumamoto Prefectural border

●From Kino Oguchi, Isa City on National Route 267 to the Kumamoto Prefecture border

● National Route 447 between Oguchi Aoki, Isa City and the Miyazaki Prefecture border, from Oguchi Shiraki, Isa City to Izumi/Isa City border, and from Isa City border to Kamiokawa, Izumi City

●National Route 328 from Izumi City Takemoto to Satsuma Town boundary

● National Route 504 from Takaono IC to Tomano IC and Satsuma Town Nagano

● National Route 328, Kagoshima City Hanao-cho/Satsuma-cho Shio

●From Kirishima City Makizono General Branch on National Route 223 to Miyakonojo City border

[Prefectural road chain regulations]

Prefectural roads require anti-slip measures such as chains at 24 locations, including mountainous and high-altitude areas in Isa City, Izumi City, Akune City, Satsumasendai City, Kirishima City, Kagoshima City, and Satsuma Town.

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