Karim Amous, chartered accountant and founder of the financial group “Smarteco” at La Presse: “Aïd El-Kébir represents 15% of agricultural added value”

2023-06-18 09:28:31

“Aïd El Adha”, also known as “Aïd El-Kebir”, is one of the most important holidays in the Muslim calendar. In Tunisia, this celebration is marked by the ritual slaughter of sheep. Beyond its religious and cultural aspects, this festival also has significant economic benefits for the country. An interview with Mr. Karim Amous, chartered accountant and founder of the “Smarteco” group, will highlight the economic benefits of this ancestral tradition.

Let’s start by talking about the economic benefits of this religious holiday. Do you have precise figures on the impact of sheep sacrifice on the Tunisian economy?

Certainly. The slaughter of sheep to celebrate the religious festival of Eid has a significant impact on the Tunisian economy.

In terms of household expenditure, it is estimated that during this period, Tunisians spend on average between 700 and 1,000 million Tunisian dinars (about 250 to 350 million euros). This represents approximately 1.5 to 2% of the Tunisian GDP, which demonstrates the economic importance of this celebration. Regarding the sheep farming sector, which is closely linked to the rite of Aïd El-Kébir, it represents about 15% of the total agricultural value added in Tunisia. The number of sheep sacrificed during this festival is estimated at around 1.2 million, with an average price of between 600 and 1,000 Tunisian dinars for a sheep (around 210 to 350 euros). These figures bear witness to the economic importance of this tradition for breeders, butchers and meat traders.

What about the impact on employment?

The Eid El-Kébir holiday also has an impact on employment in Tunisia. During this period, increased demand for slaughtering, meat preparation, retail and catering services creates temporary employment opportunities. Butchers, meat sellers, employees of local markets and the catering sector are seeing their activity increase, which generates additional jobs, especially for young people and seasonal workers.

What environmental impact can this celebration have?

This holiday can have environmental benefits. First of all, local meat consumption reduces dependency on imports and promotes the circular economy. Additionally, this tradition promotes the use of the whole animal, including by-products, such as skin, wool, and bones, which can be used in other industries. This reduces waste and contributes to a more sustainable use of resources.

Are there comparisons on a global scale to illustrate the importance of the holiday in Tunisia?

Admittedly, this is a widespread practice in all Muslim countries. In some countries such as Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, where the Muslim population is large, the figures for the ritual of sacrifice during this period are higher than in the rest of the practicing countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia, it is estimated that around 3 million sheep are sacrificed every year during Eid. This tradition therefore has a significant impact on the economy and society in these countries as well.

Is there anything to mention in terms of global economic, social and environmental benefits?

Globally, this ritual has positive economic repercussions in many countries. It boosts the livestock, meat trade, retail and restaurant sectors, creating jobs and boosting local economies. On the social level, this tradition strengthens family and community ties, and promotes solidarity with the most disadvantaged. As far as the environment is concerned, eating local meat reduces the carbon footprint linked to transport and encourages a more efficient use of animal resources.

What advice can you give Tunisian families to better manage their budget during this period?

Eid can represent a significant expense for Tunisian families. A few simple, but effective tips, in my opinion, could optimize household spending. It is essential to establish an accurate budget by identifying the necessary expenses and limiting unnecessary expenses. A reasonable amount should also be set for the purchase of sheep and other necessary items. It is also necessary to organize group purchases with other families or neighbors to benefit from reductions on sheep and to share the costs.

It is necessary to research and compare the prices of sheep in different markets and from different breeders. This will provide the best value for money. It is also mandatory to plan meals carefully to avoid food waste. Using leftover meat to prepare tasty and economical dishes and encouraging meat exchanges with other families or neighbors are also ancestral practices that could optimize household earnings. It is also possible to donate part of the meat to charities or families in need, thus helping to strengthen social ties and promote solidarity.

Nor should the value of the by-products of sacrifice be underestimated. For example, skin can be used for leather production, wool can be made into textiles, and bones can be used in the glue industry. By exploring these opportunities, it is possible to generate additional income or reduce the costs associated with the purchase of these products.

Do you have any proposals for innovative projects to recover waste?

Absolutely, waste recovery can have significant economic and environmental benefits. Here are some proposals for innovative projects: organic waste from sheep sacrifices can be transformed into organic fertilizer. These fertilizers can be used in agriculture to improve soil fertility, thereby reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

Animal waste can be used to produce biogas. This can then be used as an energy source for cooking, lighting or even electricity generation, reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

Some components of animal waste can be used in the manufacture of chemicals, such as liquid fertilizers, cleaning products or additives for the food industry. Sheep skins and wool can be made into products, such as clothing, fashion accessories or decorative items. This would promote these materials and stimulate the local textile industry.

Bones can be used to produce glue, food supplements or even building materials. These uses make it possible to maximize the value of waste while reducing its environmental impact.

It is essential to explore these avenues to make the most of this tradition while minimizing the negative impacts on the environment.

I would also like to emphasize that the government and economic actors can play a key role in promoting these innovative projects. Tax incentives, subsidies and support programs can be put in place to encourage companies and entrepreneurs to invest in the recovery of waste related to this holiday.

In addition, public awareness is crucial. It is important to educate Tunisian families about the economic, social and environmental benefits of these initiatives. Awareness campaigns can be launched to encourage the population to adopt sustainable practices and to support products derived from the recovery of animal waste.

I would point out that this Eid celebration has significant economic, social and environmental benefits. By optimizing buyer spending and proposing innovative projects to recover waste, we can strengthen the economy, promote solidarity and reduce our environmental footprint. It is time to seize these opportunities to create a sustainable future for our country.

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