Katarine Rosalie: epistle about the national exam environment and Kaja’s long-term plan

Katarina Rosalie.

Katarina Rosalie.

My dear people, you see how the Roimavalitism tries to entrap us more and more in its power and lies, but you do nothing! You don’t see, you don’t notice, you don’t understand! And that’s why I ask you: do you even think with your head or have your brains been washed smooth by the Roima Party’s propaganda?

Didn’t any of you have any questions when two news were published this week about an internet portal set up by the government, in which it was supposed to be possible to do both the high school entrance exams and the elementary school final exam, but most of them couldn’t actually do both! Allegedly, these portals collided at one point and that was it. Those who took the tests and exams had to wipe their mouths clean of their results.

But as always, what is not told to us and what is not written about in the news is more important. And you should have figured it out yourself by thinking in your own head. Like me. So, two days in a row, when these news about the national EIS exam environment came out, I had a bad feeling. Actually more than that – I thought and understood what was really going on. But before I share my information publicly, of course I have to check it, and of course I did.

Pigeon Maaru was somewhere outside playing with other pigeons, so I could not send him to collect more detailed information from Universum. So I knew I had to get a vision that would explain the situation and confirm my logic. That’s why I mixed the Prophet’s salve from the tools at hand, which includes chalk powder, badger fat, thistle seeds and sea sand taken from the waves. I anointed my face and palms with it, grabbed the Energy Spiral just in case, and sat in the middle of the magical signs drawn on the floor to wait for the Vision.

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2024-04-13 05:00:53
#Katarine #Rosalie #epistle #national #exam #environment #Kajas #longterm #plan

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