“Kidney-Healthy Eating: Foods that Cleanse and Detoxify Your System”

2023-04-19 03:08:22

modern life

Blueberries, watermelon and strawberries have great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties.


The kidneys are organs that fulfill the essential function of filtering toxins from the body through urine, although this is their most important job, the kidneys are also in charge of eliminating excess sodium in the body, maintaining the water balance , electrolytes and pH in the body, in addition to generating red blood cells.

Eat healthy foods to prevent fats from accumulating in the blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. For this, it is advisable to cook food on the grill, in the oven, roasted or sautéed, but never fried.

“The bad habits that people sometimes have can have a significant impact on these organs, for example, the consumption of soft drinks alters the metabolism of electrolytes and ph, in addition to increasing glucose and can cause kidney stones”, as well The portal gastrolaweb.com made it known.

Another bad habit is to exceed the consumption of protein, since this makes the kidneys work extra. It is important to consume enough water and opt for more potassium-rich foods.

That is why having a correct eating plan is very important. It is recommended that a nutritionist guide each person at all times, adapting the diet to each particular condition. Additionally, practicing exercise, reducing alcohol consumption, drinking a sufficient amount of water, are other recommendations to take into account.

Foods that help cleanse the kidneys

Some habits, such as reducing the consumption of protein, salt, potassium, phosphorus and other components, can promote health. But the person can also include certain foods that help purify the kidneys.

The businessinsider.es portal assured that “there are fruits, such as blueberries, watermelon or strawberries, which have great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. To keep the kidneys clean they are perfect. But you have to watch out for excesses, since some of these foods have large amounts of sugar, potassium or other components.

On the other hand, vegetables also have vitamins, antioxidants and positive substances for the kidneys. The most favorable are those green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, chard or spinach. But, as with fruit, special care must be taken that they contain large amounts of some preferably avoidable substances.

Other fruits ideal for detoxifying the kidneys

The mundodeportivo.com portal highlighted other fruits that are ideal for purifying the kidneys, these are:

It is a fruit with a high content of vitamin C, potassium and bromelain, an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects and that benefits the elimination of toxins through urine.

Banana, apple, orange and peach

These are some of the fruits that have a higher potassium content, an essential element to increase urine production. In addition to these fruits, there are a number of vegetables that contain large amounts of this mineral, such as potatoes, onions, celery, broccoli, cauliflower and eggplant.

In addition to its delicious and refreshing flavor, melon is also a food with important diuretic effects and to eliminate toxins from the body. It should be noted that another of its benefits is citrulline, an element that contributes to the health of the kidneys.

These delicious fruits are also a good choice for people to include in their daily diet as they stimulate kidney functions.

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