King Charles III portrait for future UK coins unveiled

It was one of the great expectations since the accession to the throne of Charles III in the United Kingdom: what would look like the portrait of the new king who would adorn British coins in the future and eventually succeed that of ‘Elizabeth II who passed away on September 8 at the age of 96?

The suspense ended on Thursday, September 29, when The Royal Mint, the body responsible for minting British currency, unveiled two coins bearing the image of the new sovereign. These are part of a special series celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth II: one for 5 pounds and another for 50 pence. They will come into circulation ” in the coming months “probably around December, specifies The Royal Mint in a press release.

Read also: Queen Elizabeth II died of ‘old age’, according to her death certificate

The official portrait that will decorate future coins bearing the effigy of Charles III, the work of sculptor Martin Jennings, was designed from a photo and approved by the king. “It is the smallest work I have ever created”he comments, saying he is touched “by the fact that it will be seen and held by so many people”.

The king looks to the left

The new portrait of King Charles III created by British sculptor Martin Jennings, during a presentation in London, September 29, 2022.

“According to tradition, the portrait of the king looks to the left, the opposite direction [à celle] from Queen Elizabeth II » on the portrait that adorns the coins in circulation for the moment, specifies The Royal Mint.

The coins with the effigy of the king will bear the inscription in Latin: « CHARLES III. D. G. REX. F. D. 5 livres. 2022 »that is : “King Charles III, by the grace of God, defender of the faith” – one of the titles of the sovereign.

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The reverse of the commemorative 5-pound coin will feature two new portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, designed by artist John Bergdahl in collaboration with The Royal Mint.

Read also: In the United Kingdom, the first banknotes bearing the image of Charles III will enter circulation in mid-2024

“All British coins bearing the image of Elizabeth II will remain legal and in circulation. It is customary historically to have coins in the image of different monarchs in circulation at the same time.indicate The Royal Mint, which “affixes the portraits of the royal family on coins for more than a thousand hundred years”.

The organization specifies that there are currently 27 billion coins in circulation in the United Kingdom with the effigy of Elizabeth II and that they will be replaced over time, when they are damaged.

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