Kirin and Kawashima showed unreasonable “power harassment” in the strong performance “Ravit” Impulse Itakura, who was suffering, was astonished by the viewers, “What are you doing?” | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

January 20th,impulseToshiyuki ItakuraThe first appearance on the morning program “Ravit” (TBS) has caused controversy.

On this day, wild bomb, cookie! proposes “various sushi” as “what you want to deliver to viewers”. It seems that the rabbit “Rappie”, the character of the program, was used as a motif, and they served a sushi called “Rappie’s snout pickled in shiso”, which is pickled plum on top of sushi rice.

Itakura was chosen as the taster, but chopsticks don’t make much progress. With a pained face, he explained, “I’m really sorry, I really can’t eat umeboshi…”MCofKirinAkira Kawashimasaid, “It’s not a pickled plum. It’s a rappy nose. Why don’t you try it?” Itakura also stared at the sushi as if suggesting, “This is delicious, isn’t it?”

However, it seemed that it was something he was not very good at, and after shaking his body several times, Itakura appeared to look up and throw up. Kawashima forced them to leave, saying, “Guests, please go home for a minute,” and the studio was filled with laughter.

However, it seems that many viewers were unable to laugh honestly. After the broadcast, there was a voice like this on SNS.

“I wonder what Kawashima the Kirin looks like? I can’t watch it, such as charging downtown or forcing Itakura to eat pickled plums. 》

“Are you still doing this? Who will be responsible if something goes wrong with an allergy?”

“Don’t do this anymore. Especially when it comes to food, if you refuse to eat, you may have an allergy that you don’t know about, and there is a risk of injury or death. 》

“I was just watching it, but it wasn’t an atmosphere that could be converted into laughter, and it was really pathetic. If I let the idols do the same thing, it would have gone up in flames…”

“It seems that the method of forcing people to eat foods they don’t like and show their guts was a little old-fashioned. Some people are allergic to plums and perilla. It probably wasn’t the flow, so there are more voices of sympathy for Mr. Itakura.

Cookie! Mr. and Mr. Kawashima are both comedians of Yoshimoto Kogyo and are Mr. Itakura’s seniors. It seems that the “Yoshimoto-ism” that the seniors’ movements are absolute has come out,power harassmentSome viewers felt that “Ravit” is doing well, but it could lead to the deterioration of Mr. Kawashima’s image.” (entertainment reporter)

If you like comedy, some people may say that this is also part of “professional wrestling”, but it is also true that there were viewers who felt uncomfortable. There was also a time zone in the morning, and it may have been a subtle result.

( SmartFLASH

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