Know the meaning of Holy Saturday | Holy Week 2023 | ANSWERS

The Easter It is a special date of reflection on the life, passion and death of Jesus Christ. Each day of this holiday has a special meaning, since it represents each moment that Jesus spent in his last moments on Earth. And, taking into account that this April 3 is celebrated on the so-called Glory Saturday, we will tell you more details about it.

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What is commemorated on Glory Saturday?

If Good Friday remembers the death on the cross of Jesus, Holy Saturday is the commemoration of God made man in the sepulcher and his descent into the abyss. This date puts an end to the Pascual Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) and it is mourning, since it is 24 hours of silence, there is no Eucharistic celebration.

Why is Glory Saturday so important?

It is a day that serves to especially remember Maria after the loss of her son, that is, it is a sad day. It is dedicated exclusively to reflection, just as the mother of Jesus Christ and her disciples did at the tomb. It is worth mentioning that the Christian community watches over the tomb in silence.

However, as already stated, the Catholic Church does not perform Eucharists, does not ring the bells, the Tabernacle is left open and empty, the altar is stripped, and no sacraments are administered except the Anointing of the Sick and the Confession of sins. .

In the Orthodox Church the day is also called Great Saturday, commemorating Christ’s rest in the tomb, his descent into hell and his entry into Paradise. It takes place on the eve of the liturgical celebration of Saint Basil the Great. They all meditate and are silent.

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