Know the weather forecast for this Wednesday morning in Orlando | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

information.Amber: Wednesday, May 11,ready with the news of the daytoday, goodearly, we wake up withtemperatures that arequite nice incomparison with the whole weekpast.gustavo: last night i was doingoutdoor activities andI say I needed onecoat because it was quitethread.Amber: And what do you like about him?trust. this morning i leftprepared with my coat, , weKaruska said, it seems that theconditions will not changethere are also several alerts thatconsider.gustavo: let’s go with the reportfrom our colleague karuskakills, go ahead.Karuska: Hello, good morning andthanks for your sympathy.of course we arepending conditionsmaitimas.We have current alerts forsailors and bathers,warning for strong wavesbreaking up to nine feetheight. be very careful if yourplan was to visit the areacoastal because notI recommend.what I recommend to bekeep out of water.until Thursday we have onewarning for boats andboats.the sailors who do not havea lot of experience willcope with extreme conditionsdangerous.stop waiting for timein the time.until Thursday thehigh risk of currentsmarine you can drageven the best swimmer.As for temperatures,in the 60° the coat when you leavehouse, towards the nearby beach of70°, plenty of sunshine,put on your the children,take them out with coats on thetomorrow, the winds will not beso intense in the morning, butyes when they leave schoolwith winds up to 25 milesper hour in bursts, a littlecloudiness in the afternoon andmonitor the area of ​​vapressure that keeps us withstrong winds andfire concern, but

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