Kun Aguero’s fierce trolling of Piqué for Shakira’s song: he laughed out loud in full streaming | TV and show

The former Argentine forward, and current streamer, got a very honest answer after being asked about the alliance between Piqué and Casio.

Last Friday Gerard Piqué broke the silence regarding Session #58, the song that Shakira he composed together with Bizarrap and where he addresses their breakup. The instance was charged with irony and trolling on the part of Sergio Kun Agüero, Former soccer player and current streamer.

It was a live type program on Twich, hosted by Ibai Llanos, where the ex-boyfriend of the Colombian singer even assured that he would join forces with Casio with a view to the King’s League.

“Big announcement: Casio has given us watches. We have an agreement with Casio, the Kings League has reached an agreement with Casio (…) I’m serious”, said the ex-Barcelona.

He also issued other statements, in contrast to the statements of his ex-partner. “This watch is for life, I tell you, it’s a fucking watch (sic) mother”, assured.

It was after that that Ibai asked Piqué, jokingly, why he had made that decision: “What happened, haven’t I found out?”

Comment by Kun Aguero

However, the former player preferred to remain silent in the situation. Therefore, another panelist asked Agüero, who was present at the broadcast: “Kun, why did Casio come in?”

Given this, the Argentine athlete, with total spontaneity and without any type of filter, expressed: “Because of Shakira’s song.” That generated laughter in the studio.

It should be noted that, beyond Piqué’s announcement, it is not known with certainty if Casio will actually be a sponsor of the next King’s League.

Another of the brands referred to by Shakira was Renault and its Twingo model, which referred to the subject with a brief publication on social networks.

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