La Jornada – Specialists talk about ultrasound in rehabilitation and sports medicine

In the context of the seventh webinar “The use of ultrasound as a method of diagnosis and treatment in elite soccer players”, convened by the Mexican company Ocean Medic, as part of a series of discussions on various branches of medicine and imaging , physiotherapist specialists analyzed the importance of ultrasound for clinical use and physical rehabilitation in sports.

This, mainly in professional soccer, where the injury of the lateral ligamentous complex of the ankle, one of the most common, has a prevalence of 45% over other conditions.

For Dr. Juan González Santamaría, a physiotherapist specializing in Sports Medicine, the use of ultrasound is relevant within sports activities, since it is possible to diagnose any lesion or dysfunction of the locomotor system through this tool.

“We accurately detect the muscle where we can find the synovial fluid bags or when we have a musculoskeletal failure, peripheral damage or cartilage wear.”

Therefore, he recognized that ultrasound becomes a fundamental tool. In addition, he specified that currently the equipment used to perform ultrasound scans is very varied, from portable and fixed that, depending on the circumstance and place, the specialist can work with the one that best suits a certain need, he pointed out. He is also the physiotherapist and private consultant for Liga Mx Femenil soccer players.

During his participation in the webinar, Dr. Carlos Heredia Macías, who has worked as a physiotherapist in the Real Madrid team (2009-2015), pointed out that the ultrasound method can support specialists in sports medicine, not only for the therapeutic decision, but to refer the patients to a good diagnostic control to avoid, as far as possible, performing a surgical intervention.

In his participation, the renowned physiotherapist, who specializes in Motor Neurocontrol, presented the clinical case of a 30-year-old athlete who usually plays soccer and paddle tennis. The performed ultrasound allowed us to appreciate in two images, and at two different moments, the behavior of a calcaneal tendon lesion.

The ultrasound pattern showed an increase in the diameter of the Achilles tendon, abnormally, with a more degenerated and inflamed part. This patient underwent an electropuncture intervention to eliminate sensitization in the affected area, while a concentric and isometric strengthening pattern was sent to him.

For his part, the prominent Dr. Albert Moreno Montes, physiotherapist and osteopath, who has collaborated as a physiotherapist for FC Barcelona, ​​said that “an ultrasound is essential for us physiotherapists. Ultrasound assessment allows us to see not only the extent of the lesion but also where it is located.The fact that a lesion is one centimeter above and one centimeter below, can greatly change our diagnosis and our assessment.

This type of anatomical alterations is going to greatly change everything related to diagnosis and all recovery phases; therefore, I think it is essential, when we talk about skeletal muscle assessment, to have an ultrasound scanner”, concluded the also specialist in Invasive Physiotherapy and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.

The specialists called by Ocean Medic to this webinar, moderated by the physiotherapist Gabriel Ibáñez, agreed that the equipment used for these diagnoses offers the possibility of generating successful and individual treatments with athletes, not only those who practice soccer but all those who carry out high-wear physical activity.

Sprains, muscle and ligament overloads, myofascial syndrome and tendinitis are the most common injuries that can be suffered as part of their day-to-day activities in those who do not practice any sport or physical training, which is why physiotherapists highlight the importance of this branch of medicine, as well as the relevance of developing a culture of assessment by professionals.

The webinar “The use of ultrasound as a method of diagnosis and treatment in the elite soccer player”, with the participation of specialists, is available for consultation on the YouTube channel as a dissemination and dissemination tool for physiotherapists and the general public.

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