Latest Earthquake Report and Safety Tips in Mexico: Official Updates and Recommendations

2023-06-30 23:20:08

In this article we share the official report of the National Seismological Service (SSN) of Mexico on the tremors registered today, Friday June 30, throughout its territory.

What time and where was the tremor in Mexico today? In recent days, a series of earthquakes have been recorded in different states of the country. This Friday, June 30, for example, they were felt in Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Michoacán; among other places. For this reason, we provide you with the latest information related to tremors, as well as the official and updated report in real time from the National Seismological Service (SSN). Likewise, we will share recommendations and provisions of the Government in any case of emergency.

Earthquake in Mexico: What should an emergency backpack have in case of disasters?

An important fact to consider is that Mexico is one of the countries in the world with the highest seismic activity since, according to statistics, there are more than 90 earthquakes per year with a magnitude greater than 4 degrees on the Richter scale, a figure that It is equivalent to 60% of all the telluric movements reported in the world.

Although the interaction between tectonic plates is the main cause of earthquakes, it is not the only one, since any process that can achieve large concentrations of energy in the rocks is capable of generating tremors whose magnitude will depend, among other factors, on how big it is. stress concentration zone. Have you ever wondered why earthquakes occur? It is because the Earth is covered by a rocky layer known as the lithosphere, with a thickness of up to 100 km, which is fragmented into large portions known as tectonic plates.

What are the states with the highest risk of earthquakes?

Low risk: Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, New Leon, Tamaulipas, San Luis de Potosí, Queretaro, Hidalgo, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato and Campeche.Medium risk: Sonora, BCS, Nayarit, Edo. of Mexico, CDMX, Morelos, Puebla (South), Veracruz (Southeast), Tlaxcala and Tabasco (Southeast).High risk: BC, Jalisco (South), Colima, Michoacán (South), Guerrero, Oaxaca (Southeast) and Chiapas ( South).

What measures has the Government of Mexico taken to mitigate the impact of the earthquakes?

The Government of Mexico has taken a series of measures to mitigate the impact of earthquakes, including:

Building Codes: New buildings in Mexico must be built to withstand earthquakes. The government has also been working to retrofit older buildings to make them more resistant to earthquakes. Early Warning System: Mexico has a nationwide early warning system that can alert residents of an impending earthquake. This gives people time to take shelter before the shaking starts. Disaster Preparedness: The government has created a disaster preparedness plan that includes training for first responders and evacuation plans for major cities. Public Awareness: The government has launched a public awareness campaign to teach people how to stay safe during an earthquake.

EDOMEX: How to act during an earthquake?

The Government of the State of Mexico has published the following recommendations on how citizens should act in the event of an earthquake:

Go to the security zones already established. Stay away from glass or objects that could fall. If possible, avoid panic and try to remain calm. Do not run out in the vehicular area. In a building do not use the elevator, always the stairs. Be attentive to minors, the disabled and the elderly.

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