Launching the ‘Reproductive Health and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer’ Campaign in Alexandria: A Journey of a Thousand Kilometers

2023-09-22 10:21:00

Written by Medhat Wahba Friday, September 22, 2023 01:21 PM

Dr. Nevin Al-Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, began her visit today, Friday, to Alexandria Governorate, in order to launch the campaign “A journey of a thousand kilometersBy opening the “Reproductive Health and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer” clinic, where the clinic targets early detection of cervical cancer and reproductive health.

The Minister of Social Solidarity confirmed that the “trip of a thousand kilometers” is scheduled to tour 9 governorates, starting from Alexandria Governorate today, continuing for two days, and then departing from there to the governorates of Beni Suef, Minya, Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, and Aswan. , for two days in each governorate, and finally its activities will conclude on January 5 and 6 of next year in Cairo Governorate.

Al-Qabbaj added that the trip targets three activities, the first related to awareness, where social pioneers in those governorates will be sensitized and trained to enhance their medical awareness, with the aim of properly raising awareness for women in the various governorates of Upper Egypt. The second part of the trip is related to training the medical staff of the clinics. “Reproductive health and early detection of cervical cancer” has been prepared in these governorates, where doctors and nurses will be trained on how to use various family planning methods and the use of cervical speculum to ensure the provision of highly efficient medical service, through workshops and a medical conference.

The third part of the campaign is economic empowerment, as a bazaar will be established in every governorate in which the campaign will travel, with the aim of supporting women producers and small businesses to promote their products.

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