Laurita Fernández Opens Up About Her Relationship with Producer Claudio ‘Peluca’ Brusca: Living Together and Balancing Work

2023-10-07 18:41:35

In the midst of the happiness she experiences due to her brand new work and personal projects, Laurita Fernández opened her heart and gave details of how she lives her courtship with the producer, Claudio “Peluca” Brusca.

“We already live together. It is the first time that I have lived well with someone and the truth is, very well. We are very well,” Laurita said in a note she gave in Agarrate Catalina, the radio series hosted by Catalina Dlugi on La Once Diez.

“We already live together. It is the first time that I have lived well with someone and the truth is, very well. We are very good”.

On the other hand, the interviewee referred to how she manages her work accompanied by her partner, shortly after making her debut on Channel 9 with him as a producer: “It’s good that we have complementary professions. He is a 10″.

“When we are working, we don’t even pamper each other, nothing, but it comes from both of us, we take great care of our profile. We both understand very well that we are in the same boat, and we understand again because we are in the same boat. Nobody gets angry,” he continued.

“Today we have neither the wedding nor the children in mind. The pressure from outside no longer passes us by. “It’s good that no one asks us or insists on us.”

And about his wishes for the future, he closed: “Today we don’t have a wedding or children in mind. The pressure from outside no longer passes us by. It’s good that no one asks us or insists on us. Today, we are both focused on our professional path.”


Shortly after they whitewashed their incipient love story, Claudio “Peluca” Busca spoke in depth about his courtship with Laurita Fernández and surprised everyone in Us in the Morning by analyzing his relationship with the host of Welcome on Board.

It all started when Joaquín “el Pollo” Álvarez commented on this link while he had the producer on a cell phone: “I’m going to tell you one thing, what happens is that I love them both very much. Many times, I don’t ask questions and say things on air, Pelu. I have faith in this couple, crazy. Don’t ask me why. Did you see that there are times you have faith in a partner and there are times you don’t? If I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t say it either, but I have faith in it,” he said.

It was then that Peluca redoubled the bet: “Look, I have incredible faith in him. So if you have faith in him and everyone who knows me has faith in him, I have faith in him too. When you are with someone and all the conversations have something in common… You saw that sometimes there is that kind of competition when both of you work in the same field or on television, and in my case I don’t feel like that is the case.”

“I think I complement myself. I love that she told me ‘Pelu, this is not right’, or ‘why don’t we add this?’. And I love to tell him ‘go ahead’, or ‘look at this’. If that works and we all know the role we play, great. Our working relationship does not change, yes sometimes it is kind of strange when you feel like you want to kiss her or touch her because your co-workers are next to her,” concluded the interviewee, very much in love.

#Laurita #Fernández #opted #live #boyfriend #time #Ive #fully #lived

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