Le Slip français relies on volumes for an unprecedented order

2023-07-28 06:30:24

The underwear brand Le Slip Français is setting itself a challenge: to sell 50,000 briefs and boxers in 20 days. It thus launches the largest order for the same product for 30 years. Thanks to this substantial volume, the brand manages to offer its product at €20 instead of €40. Explanations.

We would like to dress made in France from head to toe every day, but the price remains a major obstacle for most French people. In order to make made in France more accessible, Guillaume Gibault, founder and president of Le Slip Français had a simple idea: reach 50,000 pre-orders of underwear by July 31 to halve the selling price.

Operation “Le Slip des Français” offers two models: briefs and boxers. “If we take our usual blue boxers, we sell around 8,000 each year, but we start manufacturing by 2,000”, explains Guillaume Gibault. The launch of a group order of 50,000 parts allows economies of scale on all expenditure items.

Economies of scale thanks to an unprecedented control

This new order for 30 years in France allows a saving of -25% on the material, -22% on the manufacture and -18% on the transport. “It’s the pure and hard volume effect”welcomes Guillaume Gibault. “2,000 parts is a matter of 7 days of production, but for the 50,000 parts, the companies will organize their workshops for several weeks to meet this order, which allows better organization and therefore savings. »

It’s also -45% thanks to a slight modification of the design. “Usually, we embroider a rosette as a patch; here, the brand will be woven directly into the waistband, which removes an embroidery operation and therefore a significant gain in this step”adds Guillaume Gibault.

Finally, the brand will have a strong impact on its operating margin. “The time and resources usually mobilized to manufacture 2,500 parts are here distributed over 50,000 parts”, can we read on the presale page. Result of the races: it offers its iconic product at 20 €, delivery included, instead of 40 €.

A dream of industrial renewal

For this operation, the French Slip surrounds itself with its historical partners. “We have Bertheas & Cie which makes the elastics, Neyret which manufactures the composition labels, Éminence which knits and manufactures and Logtex which is our logistics partner”summarizes Guillaume Gibault.

“We are limited to 50,000 pieces, because we have made a commitment to deliver before Christmas, but we hope to go further next year, projects the founder of the French Slip. 50,000 pieces is a lot, but it’s only 0.02% of the French. Éminence manufactures a million pieces a year, so we have the possibility of going much further. »

Image credit of one: pikisuperstar – freepik

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