Leader of the PTB suggests reducing ministers’ monthly earnings to 5,500 euros from the current 11,000 euros.

Raoul Hedebouw, the president of the PTB (workers’ party of Belgium), criticized the high salaries of ministers in Belgium during an interview with Bel RTL matin’s Antonio Solimando. According to the recent Grand Barometer RTL info Ipsos Le Soir, the PTB is very close to becoming the leading political party in Brussels, and Hedebouw believes it’s essential to give hope to the people by changing their fears. He proposed reducing the salaries of ministers by half so that they can live like the people they represent. He criticized the high salaries of deputies and ministers and their inability to understand the problems of the general public. Hedebouw also suggested freezing food prices, including oil, pasta, and eggs, and using the superprofits made in the distribution sector to fund this initiative.

Raoul Hedebouw, president of the PTB (workers’ party of Belgium), was the guest of Bel RTL matin. At the microphone of Antonio Solimando, he criticized the amounts of ministers’ salaries in our country.

In the last Grand Barometer RTL info Ipsos Le Soir, the PTB has made a push: the political formation is a hair’s breadth from becoming the leading party in Brussels. And for President Raoul Hedebouw, it’s about “give hope” To the population : “Fear must change sides”.

When you defend the reduction in the salaries of ministers, that it is on the table and that you do not vote for it, you do not have the impression of participating in the lack of confidence in politicians?

They must live like the people they represent

“They proposed to reduce the salaries of ministers by 4 to 5%. I propose to reduce the salaries of ministers by half. And it is not the budgetary question that is important. It is that ministers and deputies must live like the people they represent. That’s my problem. When you have deputies who earn 6,000 euros a month or ministers who receive 11,000 euros a month, how do you expect them to feel today that prices at the checkout in supermarkets are exploding completely. That’s the big problem in Belgium. We have to freeze prices. I’m tired of politicians saying that we can’t do anything, and although we take a law to freeze the prices of the most important foodstuffs, such as oil, pasta, eggs, … Where are we going to get the money? In the superprofits that are made in the distribution sector”justified Raoul Hedebouw.

In conclusion, Raoul Hedebouw from the PTB has once again called for a reduction in the salaries of ministers in Belgium. He argues that ministers and deputies should live like the people they represent, and reducing their salaries by half would be a step in the right direction. The PTB’s rising popularity in Brussels shows that their message is resonating with the population, who are tired of politicians who seem out of touch with their daily struggles. By giving hope and proposing concrete solutions to issues like freezing prices, the PTB is challenging the status quo and advocating for a more equitable society.

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