Learn about some natural treatments for sore hands and wrists

Pain in the hands is almost always related to carpal tunnel syndrome, a more frequent ailment in women.

Courtesy | To reactivate circulation, it is good to perform exercises with your hands

Sore hands and wrists can have a variety of origins. It is common for them to be accompanied by a feeling of numbness and for the discomfort to be more pronounced at night.

One fact that we must take into account is that the problem of pain in the hands almost always has to do with carpal tunnel syndrome, a more frequent ailment in women.

The most important thing in all cases is to know the origin to obtain an adequate medical treatment. Meanwhile, at home, we can put into practice these simple natural remedies that help us alleviate sore hands and wrists.

Something that is interesting to remember is that pain in the hands is a more common problem in women. Our cartilage, bones and joints end up wearing out before men. Also, we must keep in mind that the anatomy of our hands and wrists is somewhat different.

Our carpal tunnel is usually narrower, so maintaining a type of mechanical and repetitive task ends up causing us the fearsome overloads.

To this we must add our hormonal changes, the weight of heredity and the lack of calcium.

These tend to be the most common causes related to sore hands and wrists: Arthritis of the thumb, carpal tunnel syndrome, a ganglion cyst, a trigger finger or wrist tendinitis.

Rosemary for sore hands and wrists

Rosemary is not just a plant to season our meals. It can also be used as a medicinal remedy to reduce inflammation in the muscles and, in addition, it is a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory, according to this study carried out by the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias de Lisboa (Portugal).

To prepare your treatment you should need: 5 rosemary branches, 500 ml of water and 8 drops of lavender essential oil

The first thing is that we will start by heating the water to make an adequate infusion with the 5 rosemary branches.

Once it is warm, we will remove the medicinal plant and add the drops of rosemary essential oil.

Next, we will immerse our hands in this relaxing and anti-inflammatory water. Immediately, you will feel the relief.

aloe vera cubes

This remedy will be very useful for treating sore hands and wrists. Aloe vera is a good anti-inflammatory that, according to this study carried out by the Qassim University (Saudi Arabia), will allow you to relieve muscle tension and pain.

To do this, it is enough that you obtain the stalk of an aloe vera.

Then, remove the pulp from inside and put it in an ice tray. Then, take it to the freezer and have it ready for when you need it most. For example, when you feel pain and discomfort in your hands or wrists.

When this happens, you will only have to massage one of these cubes on that area where you have the discomfort.

marigold flowers
If you cannot find calendula flowers, you can use its essential oil, since it is very easy to find in natural stores or specialized pharmacies.

Used externally, calendula is very effective for treating muscle and joint pain and inflammation, as confirmed by this study carried out by the Cuban Drug Research and Development Center.

You can take a bath similar to that of rosemary branches, or, in the case of using calendula oil, perform relaxing massages on the affected area.

To reactivate circulation, mobility and to soothe pain in the hands and wrists, it will be very useful to perform simple exercises. To do this, consider these steps:

First, with the thumb and index finger of one hand, press the skin between the fingers of the other. Do it for 5 seconds and then perform a circular massage. Then repeat on the other hand.

You can then also perform gentle twists with your wrists.

Finally, you can open and close your hands, stretching your fingers as far as you can.

These exercises will be very useful if you perform manual tasks or if you spend many hours at the keyboard of a computer.

Foods to treat sore hands and wrists

Flax seed oil: it is very suitable for reducing inflammation, according to this study carried out by the National University of the Altiplano (Peru). To do this, it will be very good for you to take a tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach. The effect is cumulative, so it is necessary to take a tablespoon a day for at least a month. Before consuming it, it is convenient to make sure that we are not allergic to flax.

Vitamin B6: it is essential to strengthen joints, bones and tendons. Also, consuming foods like green leafy vegetables or bananas will help reduce inflammation. You can also find vitamin B6 ready in capsules. The daily dose will be 2 mg.

Omega 3: Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties (as confirmed by this study carried out by the National Institute of Genomic Medicine of Mexico and favor joint health. You can find Omega 3 in the following foods: cod oil, yolk egg, sardines, anchovies, walnuts, flax seeds, almonds, soybeans, strawberries and pineapple.

Another option you can consider to reduce hand pain is to wear a wrist night splint.

In any case, do not hesitate to ask specialists for advice. You can also consider, if necessary, a surgical intervention in case of suffering from carpal tunnel.

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