Learn about the movie, the leader, Adel Imam and Nadia Al-Jundi, which was removed from theaters and banned from appearing for 8 years.. The reason is shocking and will surprise you!

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Comedy leader Adel Imam celebrated his birthday yesterday, May 17, as the leader was born in the village of Shaha, Mansoura, in Dakahlia Governorate.

He participated in the performances of university bands and joined the theatrical television group in 1962 while he was still a university student. The roles were small, but they drew attention to his talent as a comedian. He then presented the play “I and He and She” in 1962 in the role of Desouki Effendi, the attorney’s agent with the star Fouad Al-Mohandes. In the play “Al-Nasabin” in 1966 at Al-Hakim Theater, and in the play “The Red Pajama” in 1967.

The artist, Nadia Al-Jundi, had indicated during a previous press conference that the movie “Five Door” with the artist Adel Imam had unjustly raised the cinemas and that its events were taking place in a comic framework and did not affect the state as some promoted, and that it is not exposed to any negative matter regarding Country.

She added that the committee that supervised the film after it was withdrawn and made it clear that it does not contain everything that was promoted by some, and that it will be shown again, and this did not happen, even after they resorted to the courts for 8 years, saying: “I was very sad and thought that it was an art.”

And Nadia Al-Jundi continued during the press conference: “It was an orchestrated operation, and the one who brought back the movie Farouk Hosni, whom I highly appreciate, proved that it was an orchestrated operation. I had a kind of frustration at that time. I was unable to stand in front of a camera, and the director Ashraf Fahmy wanted me to work (the maid). I felt that I was I was shaken and unable to give, he said that you are not a single movie, you are films, works and continuity, he downloaded me and made the movie while I was wounded, and the maid succeeded, broke the world and made revenues, and I took 12 prizes in it to prove to them that I am not a movie, and that they do not miss Nadia Al-Jundi from history »

It is worth noting that “Five Doors” is an Egyptian film that was shown in 1983, starring Adel Imam, Nadia Al-Jundi, Fouad Al-Muhandis and Fouad Ahmed, directed by Nader Galal, and the film’s story is taken from the movie Irma La Doss by Billy Wilder.

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