Learn why it is more difficult to diagnose autism in girls

According to Portal BBC News“autism spectrum disorder is characterized by a impaired brain development that causes differences in social communication, as well as repetitive and stereotyped behaviors.

“For those living with the condition, sensory changessuch as extreme discomfort with certain noises or textures, and a specific repertoire of interests, also called hyperfocusThey are usually common.

Girls hide their atypical behavior

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Something that is true and has been scientifically proven is that men’s and women’s brains are different. Therefore, it is logical that their behavior is also.

In that sense, the fear of making mistakes is greater in girlswhich makes that hide their stereotypical actions typical of the autism spectrum. Of course, this can be achieved if the degree of the disorder is mild.

“It is this process of trying to imitate behaviors considered socially accepted in groups of friends at school, at work, and even in family relationships that is known as social camouflage”, as specified on the website of the BBC.

The consequences of social camouflage

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“Because it is not so natural for neuroatypical people, these attitudes end up spending more brain energy and the person can become exhaustedboth physically and emotionally”, explained the psychiatrist Mirian Revers Biasãoprofessor at the International School for Development (EID) in Brazil, for the BBC.

Thus, several studies show that the social camouflage implies a great effort made by girls or women with autism and that generates higher rates of depression, anxiety, and burnout.

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