Lee Ji-hye, 50 million won in YouTube profits for children

Singer Lee Ji-hye gave warmth to her by donating the proceeds of her YouTube channel ‘I don’t hate Kwanjong Unnie’.

On the 1st, on the YouTube channel ‘I don’t hate Kwanjong unnie’, ‘Youtube revenue is released!! Thank you for your interest, I donated!! A video titled ‘Thank you’ was posted.

In this video, Lee Ji-hye and Moon Jae-wan first revealed their YouTube earnings from April to June. The total profit for three months was about 32 million won.

Lee Ji-hye said, “I moved out of greed and went to the United States, so it cost me a lot of money. Nevertheless, she thought that what she had to do was to donate,” she said. If you don’t turn on the camera quickly, you can skip it by yourself. That’s why I rushed to turn on the camera today because I thought no,” she said.

He also declared, “This time, we made about 32 million won, but we will donate 50 million won to the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation with a little more money.”

He said, “This time, because our Ellie was born, he said that he wanted to give a little more support to infants, very young children, children who were financially insufficient, and children whose parents were struggling.” did.

“The balance has become very poor,” he said. Nevertheless, I feel very proud after I do it.” “Every time I talk like this, it seems to hold my heart even more. When people make money and have money, there are many things they want to do. In times like these, it is important not to lose the initial focus.”

My husband Moon Jae-wan said, “Actually, I didn’t help. If I succeed later, I will work hard like my wife and donate.

It’s really cool for my wife to make money and donate through the YouTube channel,” he praised his wife.

Lastly, Lee Ji-hye said, “Actually, we didn’t do it, you did it. What you see is a donation. Thank you very much,” she said, ending her video with a thank you note to her subscribers.

[한현정 스타투데이 기자]

Photo I YouTube channel ‘I don’t hate Kwanjong unnie’

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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