Less loneliness? 5 ‘bias’ about men

People have some prejudices about men. [사진=클립아트코리아]

It is said that a single mother can live, but a widower can’t…

Are the commonly known myths that ‘women are more sensitive to emotions than men’ or ‘men are less lonely than women’, are these myths true? Scientists point out that this is “just a bias.”

‘Live Science’, a science-specialized news site, recently 5 misconceptions people have about menintroduced


Are men less sensitive than women?

Some people think that women are more sensitive to emotions than men. However, the experimental results showed the opposite result.

According to a paper in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, monitoring facial expressions in adult men and women showed that men’s expressions were more responsive to emotions. However, men I think expressing your feelings easily is to show your weakness. refrain from expressing emotions it’s because A study by researchers at Lund University in Sweden explained.


Are men less lonely than women?

Contrary to the existing prejudice that women are more vulnerable to loneliness, malethan this woman lonelinessdo ride better As a result of several studies so far, man in a relationshipthe more living long and healthyappeared as

Dr. Roan Brizendyne, a psychiatrist at the University of California, San Francisco, in the United States, in a book called The Male Brain, found that older males living alone had worse health conditions.

Are men forever immature?

Many married women complain that their husbands are still like children. This is due to the action of male hormones. manAs they age, they develop mature human relationships through cooperation as well as competition with others.

According to a paper published in the journal Hormones and Behavior, men testosterone levelsI prefer one-on-one competition when I’m high, but as I get older my testosterone decreases and I get along better with others. Cooperationappeared to be changed to


Men have an affair?

The saying that all men are the same is often used in our society. It comes from the myth that all men want to have relationships with several women if they can, and that men have some degree of flirtation.

However, according to a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, “Not all men dream of living in a romantic relationship with multiple women. 60% or morethe man of stable and happy family“The men who are constantly looking for new women are because of the special gene that ‘doesn’t discriminate’.”

Are men unrelated to pregnancy?

a woman deliveryat a point before husbandis naturally ready to be a daddo According to a paper published in Evolution and Human Behavior, when a man becomes pregnant with his wife, prolactina hormone called testosterone levelsis lowered It’s an automatic reaction that prepares you to do better as a father.

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