“Let him hear the sound of my little girl saying ‘I’m lost’,” Sunday’s mother’s letter – 2024-05-14 00:58:20

Kyriaki Griva’s mother is hospitalized in a very bad condition, whose murder outside the Police Station in Agioi Anargyrou has shocked the country.

ANT1 brings to light the handwritten letter of Kyriaki’s mother to her daughter’s killer in Agioi Anargyros, shortly before she was admitted to the hospital.

The devastated woman wrote on a piece of paper everything she wanted to tell him, after the killer claimed to the psychiatrists who examined him that he did not remember anything about the murder he committed.

In the letter, among other things, the mother states: “I want you to tell the murderer, the womanizer, Thanasis, because he said he doesn’t remember anything, to show him the videos. The same videos that I see, and all of Greece, and abroad. I want you to tell him to come and ask me, who every time I see them, I shout to my little girl “run”, as if something will change”.

“If he still doesn’t remember, give him the audio of my little girl saying “I’m lost” and screaming. To hear this cry, which whoever saw and heard it, will never forget it. How much more I who see my child being slaughtered from 5 different angles”, he continues to mention in the letter.

40 days after Kyriaki’s murder in Agioi Anargyrou, her mother is still in a tragic psychological state and her health is deteriorating.

According to the report, the stagnation observed in the case also contributes to this, while the intervention of the Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, was needed for her admission to the clinic today.

According to Elena Tzoulis, Kyriaki’s mother’s lawyer, “Mr. Georgiadis immediately helped. Her complaint was that nothing has been done, no development, while the perpetrator enjoys protection with special psychiatric monitoring, without an expert report.”

The victim’s father is also in a bad situation, he said characteristically:

-Have you realized that?
Not yet

What would you say to her?
That I love her, and to talk to me. But he would tell me “everything is fine, dad” so as not to worry me. Don’t let the case be forgotten.”

The parents and friends of the 28-year-old woman are demanding that not only the specific police officers who were in the department at the time of the murder, but also the senior officers who assigned them duties on the day of the tragic murder, be punished.

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#hear #sound #girl #lost #Sundays #mothers #letter

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