Let us touch patriotism in a different way

2023-10-23 06:08:00

We are approaching national days and holidays, and every party is preparing to express love for the country, either through a song, a dance, a march, distributions, and other scenes that are repeated every year. My question is, do these scenes touch the patriotism of the modern generation as they did our generation? Because each generation has a way that is compatible with it, and with the technological and global development that is affected and affected by it.

In our time, the march moved us a lot, the Emirati uniform tickled the feelings of pride within us, and the anthem circulated through our bloodstream.

Yes, I see that this generation needs activities and events that ignite patriotism and belonging within it, because it is a different generation, and its approaches require programming and treatment that simulates its abilities and senses, which arose between the sources of technological knowledge, dubbed films and series, and electronic games that make it live in an electronic reality.

This generation needs innovations and creativity in conveying the meaning of patriotism and igniting it within it through these sources.

Yes, celebrations may make them happy, but they are considered as entertainment and their impact is temporary and not extended. We need to renew those influences that are sweeping through social media and the applications that attract our children, by telling the story of this country in ways and in the language of this time, because dances and costumes are not enough, and the scenes must It should be integrated, reach their conscience, and coexist with them, because patriotism is not embodied in clothing, but rather coexists with the breath.

#touch #patriotism

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