Li Chunen – Chaos|Live a Good Life| Headline Daily

Amid tensions between Israel and Palestine, Netflix’s Israeli drama “Fauda” is back with a fourth season.

This TV series tells the story of a group of Israeli intelligence agency operations team members. They are always on the front line of curbing terrorist attacks, preventing attacks or launching retaliatory actions. The encounter reflected the deadlock of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. So when the plot develops later, it is impossible to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad, justice and injustice, only inextricable hatred, who is the high wall and who is the egg. Just like the Chinese translation of the title of the play, it was a mess.

This is also the brilliant part of this TV series. Both sides in the battle have reasons to put their opponents to death. The grievances have lasted for thousands of years. The boundary between justice and evil is very blurred. What emerges in the exciting plot is true humanity. There is no reason to talk about things that cannot be suppressed in the world, and politics and religion are often just a fan to stir the fire. You thought you were on the side of justice, but then you turned around and realized that was not the case. “Fauda” means “chaos” in Arabic. It can be seen that the original intention of creating this play is to talk about an inextricable mess.

The drama series made by the Israelis did not sing praises to Israel, nor did they have any great and glorious theme songs.
The Jews and Arabs living on the same land also have many emotional entanglements. They are enemies and friends at times, and life is like a play, but this play is still so exciting after 3000 years.
Li Chunen

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