Life in Colors: The Exhibition by Betty Blanc and Jacqueline Glénot Lavardin at Montesquieu Art Gallery

2024-01-04 14:45:00

The exhibition “Life in Colors” by Betty Blanc and Jacqueline Glénot Lavardin is available at the Monstesquieu art gallery until January 14, 2024.

Their styles are certainly different but one similarity emerges: color. Betty Blanc and Jacqueline Génot Lavardin joined forces to create their exhibition “Life in Colors”.

Friends for more than fifteen years thanks to their geographical proximity, “we are neighbors, Jacqueline breathes”, the two Foulayronnaises subsequently frequented the same painting workshop. It was Jacqueline who brought Betty into this adventure.
Accustomed to exhibiting each on their own in Foulayronne for concerts or shows, “this is the first time that we are both exhibiting, Jacqueline acquiesces, and we have wanted to for a long time”, explains a smiling Betty. .
It is in the Montesquieu art gallery that since January 2, around 26 people have come to contemplate the paintings which will remain until January 14, 2024. Betty adds: “overall people appreciate that it is very colored”.

Jacqueline, “there are many creations in my works”

Abstract, impasto and decorations are among his preferences. Photo – Emma Etchecaharreta

“I started painting self-taught in my free and relaxing time around 16-17 years old with a geometric style: straight lines, curves, mosaics,” says Jacqueline Génot Lavardin. Other interests subsequently took over and it was only around 2005-2006 that painting came back into his life. “I became more interested in painting, with the desire to improve and approach other styles, other techniques.” Something done with his Master Mr. François Reynoso in an association. Jacqueline copies very little, “there are a lot of creations in my works”. His very eclectic style and “expressionist” creations come “following information, also an injury, following an event that happens in the family or in the world”. For her, “a moment of painting is a delicious refuge”.

Betty Blanc paints “life stories”

Betty translates the feelings of actresses with painful pasts or imagined characters. Photo – Emma Etchecaharreta

Betty started by painting Walt Disney characters on glazed tiles. Coming from a family of painters, she, like her mother and her sister, is part of a Singular Art school “Le Quinquonce Vert” alongside Master Raymond Reynaud. This is how she worked on the theme of the book “Jean de Florette” by Marcel Pagnol, whose 24 paintings, imagined through the characters of the book, were the subject of a collective exhibition at the Ingres Museum in Montauban in 1988. Arriving in Lot-et-Garonne 37 years ago, her career and family life were prioritized over painting. It was while participating in Atelier 47 in Agen where she reproduced her own collages on canvases with acrylic paint that she found inspiration. Betty Blanc transcribes the moods of women which she expresses through their looks.

“When you paint you don’t think about anything and you concentrate, it’s a wonderful way to escape the body and the mind,” says Betty.

#Life #colors #Agen #exhibition #artists #lights #Monstesquieu #gallery #January

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