Life in Equilibrium: Expert Tips for Achieving Balance and Good Health

2023-10-26 12:38:56

How do you get a life in equilibrium? Some of the aspects that make it possible are related to Healthy habits. Have good health It can be the key that differentiates people who feel better not only physically but also mentally.

To achieve that desired goal, the expert in strength training, nutrition and coach Flat Sea (known as Itzazo fitness) gives us a series of tips with which to begin to advance our objectives.

1. Start your day by listening to yourself

The energy with which you start your day not only comes from the habits related to food, sports or rest. Your mental state and the approach with which you approach the day have a fundamental weight.

For example, starting the day by picking up the cell phone and paying attention to aspects of work or family as soon as we open our eyes causes the focus go to others and not to ourselves.

We must take control of our lives. For this reason, Mar Planas invites us to “reserve a few minutes when you wake up, depending on the time you have, it could be five or it could be an hour or more to do an activity just for you: meditate, read, think, make affirmations , learn something you like, or even organize your day in such a way that everything you want is there.” And he adds that “when you finish this time you will have a good disposition to give your best version to others.”

2. Stay active by going for a walk

A large majority of the population lives anchored in a sedentary lifestyle. The WHO recommends giving 10,000 steps daily to maintain a minimum state of health. “Few people do it and, therefore, my recommendation to integrate this habit is that for two or three days you count how many steps you take (with an activity bracelet or with your mobile phone) to realize where you are and increase it until reach at least 8,000 steps daily“, points out the expert.

He also gives some recommendations to reach the desired steps: “Go walk to places, get up and walk (even at home) every time you pick up your cell phone and, if possible, go for a walk when you wake up. The latter Not only will it help you start the day having accomplished part of your goal, but it will help you regulate your Cardiac rhtyms and feel more energetic and in a better mood.”

3. Have a restful sleep

Sleep It is one of the activities that has the most beneficial influence at all levels and, on the other hand, receives the least attention. Planas explains that, although it may not seem credible, a single hour less rest has a significant impact on our health. For example, “it increases the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, among others. Cognitive abilities are also affected, such as memory, depression or sexual desire and poor rest cause an increase in body fat and we lose muscle,” he clarifies.

Some advice that he gives us in this regard and that we can integrate are “expose ourselves to day light upon waking up because it helps regulate rest schedules. Another would be to get up and go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends.” And to make this happen, provide some ideas, how to do relaxing activities and low brain activity a couple of hours before going to bed and keeping the room at a suitable climate.

It must be taken into account that, although each person needs a different number of hours to recover, it states that “the 90 % of the population sleeps less than they need.

“Training strength is vital because it protects you from all non-communicable diseases; “It increases cognitive abilities and protects you from neurodegenerative diseases.”

4. Train strength

He training of force (with weights, rubber bands or machines) well performed where each lift or series represents a real challenge for your muscle mass, it should be as non-negotiable as eat vegetables to be healthy.

So much so that Itzazo fitness puts it before walking or doing cardiovascular exercise. “Training strength is vital,” since “this exercise has a direct benefit on our health: it protects you from all non-communicable diseases; it increases cognitive abilities and protects you from neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s),” clarifies Planas. In addition , prevents you from ending up having a sedentary life by preventing osteoporosis and adds that “it keeps you functional as the years go by; it prevents and cures joint discomfort and, in addition, it is essential in a fat loss process.” And, as a consequence, it allows you to have a slender build and without sagging since it prevents the rebound effect of diets. As if all that wasn’t enough, “slows down agingincreases your self-esteem and combats diseases such as depression or anxiety,” he points out.

5. Eat vegetables for lunch and dinner

For the expert, the diet It is a fundamental aspect when it comes to maintaining a healthy life. For this reason, he explains that “eating vegetables is essential to maintain a good digestive health and for all the functions of the body to act correctly. “Vegetables should not be an option that may or may not be present, but rather they should be part of our plates.”

And among his advice he argues that it is advisable to accompany all meals and dinners of half plate of Boiled vegetables and/or a whole plate of salad. “You will see results right away, such as going to the bathroom better, feeling more satiated and have brighter skin. Plus, you’ll notice that you’re starting to lose weight.”

6. In your diet you should not forget protein

In addition to vegetables, protein It is also essential to feel satiated and to fix and keep our muscles (coupled with strength training). However, the expert points out that women usually eat very little.

“All the meals we eat, or at least the three main ones, should have a portion like the palm of your hand of a protein source which can be lean meat, fish, eggs, tofu or soy or legume“, Explain.

7. Eliminate toxins from your life

And finally, Itzazo fitness talks about the fact that we live surrounded by toxins and some of us consume them daily like those in “the ultra-processed food, in fried foods, alcohol or tobacco. All of them contaminate our body and poison it.” And he points out that not only that, but they also “minimize the beneficial effects of the rest of the correct actions that we do on a daily basis and even cause diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular accidents”.

Without a doubt, if we want to have a healthy life that allows us the balance we seek, we must keep these toxins out of our daily lives and integrate the rest of the advice that will allow us to achieve a desired state of health. welfare.

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