Life is Beautiful: Achieving the Perfect Ending with Mr. Takakura’s Strategies and Secrets!

2023-07-21 19:27:23
Because the author suffers from ending phobia, I took a two-week break after playing Chapter 6 before I adjusted and continued to play (I ran to play the Cairo game halfway). Woo, I’m really sad that the protagonist is getting old, and I feel more and more reluctant as the ending gets closer. Having said that, Mr. Takakura is very powerful, he is simply a legend of longevity (X)~ In this article, I will sort out the collection of beautiful things and come to a happy ending. Curious about what Mr. Takakura usually eats? There are a total of 88 beautiful things: (Switch press ⊗ on the money page and then press ⊗ to view) Chapter of Beginning, Chapter of Birth, Chapter of Grace, Chapter of Play, Chapter of Journey, Chapter of Dusk, Chapter of Heaven, the first time Raise the favorability of animals or poultry to the maximum Raise the favorability of animals or poultry to the maximum 3 times Raise the favorability of animals or poultry to the maximum 5 times Raise the favorability of animals or poultry to the maximum 8 times Raise 3 animals, raise 5 animals, raise 8 animals, raise poultry for the first time, raise 3 poultry, raise 5 poultry, raise 8 poultry, meet the 1st baby animal, meet 3 animals, baby, meet 5 animals, baby, meet 8 animals, baby, find 5 rare crops, find 10 rare crops, find 15 rare crops, find 20 rare crops, find 10 strange crops, find all strange crops get 3 Breed fish to get 5 kinds of fish, get 7 kinds of fish, get 10 kinds of fish, catch all kinds of fish, catch the golden ax, catch the legendary sword, catch the letter in the bottle, dig up 1 kind of gold excavation, dig up 2 kinds of gold unearthed, dig up 3 kinds of gold unearthed, dig out 4 kinds of gold unearthed, dig out 5 kinds of gold unearthed, dig out 1 kind of stone board, dig out 2 kinds of stone board, dig out 3 kinds of stone board, dig out 4 kinds of stone board, dig out 5 kinds of stone board, get 10 kinds of cooking, get 30 kinds of cooking Complete 10 errands Complete 20 errands Complete 30 errands Complete 40 errands Complete 50 errands Complete 60 errands Earn 500,000 G for the first time to build a ranch facility. Build a ranch facility for 3 times. Build a ranch facility for 5 times. Build a ranch facility for 10 times. Other strategies in “Life is Beautiful”: Money-making strategies + ways to improve animal health and love, tips to improve marriage candidate favorability methods + Sepiria’s love event parenting strategy – the child’s preferences and expertise determine the ending Matthew’s love event Lumina’s love event Gordy’s love event Improvement success rate methods and experience All rare crops + fruit tree varieties improvement methods, full illustration GET!some sources
#Harvest #Moon #Beautiful #Life #Guide #Collecting #Beautiful #ThingsGrid #vocus

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