Live a Slow and Fulfilling Life: Embracing Slower Pace for Deeper Enjoyment

2023-08-14 20:02:53

Moliere says, “Slow-growing trees bear the best fruits.” In a world that imposes fast pace on everyone, we have become chased by imaginary tasks that make us rush to accomplish something we do not know, making it difficult for us to enjoy life and time, and our schedules are crowded without knowing the reason. But is this really what life should be like? Is faster pace always better? Speed ​​can make us feel productive and important, but at the same time it makes us feel stressed and exhausted.

Slower life.. deeper enjoyment

A fast lifestyle leads to distraction, which reflects negatively on mental and physical health, as well as affects the quality of productivity. When you live a busy, distracted life, you lose the opportunity to discover people, activities, and events affecting your life, while slowing down allows setting priorities and focusing on them.

Excessive busyness leads to feelings of stress. Due to the release of the hormone (cortisol), which is known as the “stress hormone”, which leads to health problems; Such as: anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and weight gain, while slowing down gives the body a chance to relax, heal and reset itself.

Slowing down can help increase productivity, as rushing leads to mistakes, and a busy schedule with tasks and duties always makes you feel late, which frustrates you, while easing the schedule gives you the opportunity to focus on necessary tasks.

Slowing down does not mean dereliction of duties, but rather that you perform all tasks with greater focus and efficiency. Slowing down also helps to enjoy the small things and daily events that seem normal. Such as: spending quality time with children, or paying attention to the beautiful little things around you, so you look at life in a different and positive way.

Excessive busyness leads to feelings of stress due to the release of cortisol, which is known as the “stress hormone” (Shutterstock)

Find fun

Be present with everything you do, and if your mind is distracted from the present moment, gently bring yourself back to it, to focus on what you are doing now, and on the environment and feelings around you.

For example, eat food slowly rather than gulping it down, in order to get a sense of taste and flavour, and pay attention to colors and presentation. And when washing dishes, instead of dealing with it as a boring job, you can pay attention to the texture of the water on the fingers, the shape of the foam on the dishes, and the smell of soap that fills the kitchen atmosphere at these times.

The matter does not depend on eating or washing dishes only, but you can follow this calm, slow approach while driving the car, paying attention to the road and the surrounding details, and while talking to friends and children with whom we have become half-consciously communicating only; Because of our focus with mobile phones, and our constant feeling that we are in a hurry for something.

Start your day slowly

Starting the day slowly can seem like a difficult choice due to the rush of life; But at the same time, it is worth making some effort to try and persevere with it.

There is no right or wrong way to live a slow lifestyle, and each person can find calm in their own way. Praying reverently is part of a quiet morning “routine.” Music or making breakfast, doing some exercise, and completing some quick chores can all be a good option. To calm down to reduce morning stress.

And within the morning “routine” open the curtains, and let the natural sunlight flood the room; Because natural sunlight stops the production of melatonin, the “sleep hormone,” which helps you feel energized. Move around and don’t stay in bed for too long, and don’t approach your mobile phone as soon as you wake up.

Add some white space to your schedule

Removing clutter from the house is one of the ideal ways to help life more calmly, when you have fewer things you will need less time to arrange, and you will not be drained in useless daily cleaning tasks, and always remember that every excess piece you remove from your home, adds time, energy and calmness to you .

Not just home; But your daily schedule – too – needs some white space. Remove unnecessary activities and commitments to feel able to breathe. Take a look at the calendar, set your and your family’s priorities, and don’t add pressure just to keep up with what other people are doing.

Removing clutter from the home is one of the ideal ways to help live a more peaceful life (Pixaby)

Stop the comparisons

Theodore Roosevelt says, “Comparisons are the thief of pleasure.” This sentence is one of the most important slogans we can live by, as we can be completely satisfied with our lives, until we start making comparisons with others. Make a commitment to stop comparing your life to anyone else’s.

It is important to commit to self-improvement and life development, but at the same time you must fill yourself with feelings of satisfaction with what you have in your present, and focus on what matters to you personally, not what matters to anyone else.

#Faster #better. #Benefits #push #choose #life #slower #pace #Lifestyle

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