Loneliness and Social Isolation: A Deadly Link Revealed by 90 Studies

2023-06-20 01:33:36

An analysis of 90 studies on loneliness and social isolation links these behaviors to early death.

The study carried out by Stony Brook University in New Yorkwhich includes data on more than two million adults, reveals that those who experienced social isolation were 32% more likely to die earlier than those who did not.

Participants who felt lonely were 14% more likely to die younger than the others.

“We are spending more and more time in isolation, but we do not see that as a danger, explains the professor of psychology at Brigham Young University, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, in an email sent to CNN. But this new data confirms earlier data that documents the risk associated with social isolation.”

According to Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Psychology at Stony Brook University, Turhan Canli, who was not involved in the study, people who experience social isolation or loneliness should actively seek support from their relatives.

“Maintaining a social network should be considered like any other health-related activity, such as exercise, diet and self-care,” he told CNN. You can cultivate relationships […] by taking part in activities that expose us to new circles of like-minded people.”

He also adds that public health strategies aimed at raising awareness about this issue are also in order.

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