Lose Fatty Liver ︳ Hong Kong woman’s lower body oozing revealed cancer, hysterectomy, and then fatty liver

Fatty liver is a common urban disease and deserves our attention. A 48-year-old Hong Kong woman has successfully removed her uterus to fight cancer. As a result, she pays more attention to her health, including the more serious fatty liver problem. She recently posted on the Internet, sharing that she had reduced her weight from 154 pounds to 126 pounds by using only “intermittent fasting” and “ketogenic diet” without exercising, and successfully reversed fatty liver.


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Zero exercise, no starch, snacks

The Hong Kong woman recently posted on the online discussion forum “Lian Deng” with “Reverse fatty liver, from severe to super handsome, no exercise at all” opened a post on the title, referring to the fact that he went to the hospital for examination last year and was confirmed to have a serious fatty liver problem, weighing 154 pounds, but he has not paid attention to it.

However, when she sought medical treatment for oozing blood from her lower body in early June this year, she was confirmed to have fibroids, polyps and cancer cells in the uterus. Ultimately, she had to be referred to Sanatorium and Hospital for surgical removal of the entire uterus. The doctor said afterwards that the cancer was only in the early stage and there was no sign of spreading, so she believed that she could make a full recovery after the surgery.

After this battle, the female victim paid more attention to her own health, and re-focused on her fatty liver problem, and immediately implemented a plan to lose weight. However, since she has just completed surgery and is not suitable for exercise, she mainly loses weight through “intermittent fasting” and “ketogenic diet”.

Among them, she said that she has completely abstained from starch and snacks in her diet, and replaced sugar with erythritol; sometimes she also makes homemade desserts, but in the production process, she uses light cream instead of milk, erythritol instead of sugar, and erythritol. Coconut flour replaces flour etc.

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In terms of fasting, she sometimes practiced “168 fasting”, and sometimes fasted for a day. The food she ate included hormone-free chickens, pigs, and cows, and she occasionally drank the ketogenic drink “Bulletproof Cocoa” (cocoa). powder, evaporated milk, and coconut oil (about 15ml). She also showcased daily dinner dishes, including zucchini, lean pork and salted egg soup, pan-fried pork belly and fried bean sprouts in lard, etc., which are very rich.

Until recently, her fatty liver problem has completely disappeared, her glycemic index has reached 4.9, and she has lost about 28 pounds to 126 pounds. Regarding her weight loss results, she said frankly:

“It turns out that reversing fatty liver is not difficult at all, and the results are very fast. So don’t worry too much about fatty liver, as long as you work hard, you will see results!”

Doctor: Fatty liver can worsen to liver cancer

Zhang Shihua, a specialist in gastroenterology and hepatology in Hong Kong, said in an interview with The Sky Post that fatty liver is the accumulation of too many fat cells in the liver. even cause liver cancer.”

Generally speaking, patients with fatty liver have no obvious symptoms. “A small number of patients may feel fatigue, epigastric pain and indigestion, but most patients need to be diagnosed with fatty liver through physical examination or liver fibrosis examination.” He pointed out, Obesity, genetic inheritance, eating too much high-sugar (fructose and refined sugar) and high-fat foods are more likely to form fatty liver. “To prevent fatty liver, you can exercise regularly to maintain a normal body weight, and reduce consumption of high-sugar and high-fat foods. such as high-sugar fruit juices and fatty meats, etc.” He reminded that we should pay more attention to processed fruit juice drinks, which may add additional sugar, which is relatively easy to form fatty liver.

Dietitian design 168 fasting French menu

Regarding the “168 fasting method” mentioned by the female victim, Taiwan nutritionist Xiao Weilin (Cup Cover) once shared that the 24 hours a day is divided into “16 + 8” hours, and the three meals are evenly distributed within 8 hours. The basic policy of the “168 Fasting Method” is to eat nothing for the remaining 16 hours.

The following is the ⁡168 fasting French menu he shared, which is divided into three categories: “whole grains”, “beans, fish, eggs and meat”, “vegetables and fruits”. A meal with a calorie of about 600Kcal can have more different combinations and new ideas every day:

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Kirby, a nutritionist at the Family Nutrition Center, once interviewed by The Sky Post, pointed out that the “168 Intermittent Fasting Method” can not only limit the calorie intake of the whole day by the time of eating, but also because you only need to remember the time to start and stop eating. , so calculating heat is also easier to practice. However, she reminded that if you fast for a long time, some people may experience dizziness and stomach discomfort. In addition, some people may be worried that they will feel hungry during the fasting period, so overeating during the eating time will easily lead to weight gain, which may lead to eating disorders in the long run.

2 types of people should not use

In addition, she reminded that people with poor digestive system or high blood sugar are not suitable to follow the “168 Intermittent Fasting Method”, because uneven meal times and portions will easily cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which may worsen their physical condition.

Still need balanced nutrition

Xie Shimin said that the weight loss effect of the “168 intermittent fasting method” varies from person to person. If you use this method to lose weight, you should still pay attention to ingesting balanced nutrition during the recommended eating time, and eat less high-sugar, high-fat and processed foods. , You should also eat carbohydrates, high-quality protein and healthy unsaturated fatty acids in moderation, and eat more vegetables and fruits, and get enough dietary fiber, which will help you lose weight successfully.

The ‘Ketogenic Diet’ Has Risks

As for the ketogenic diet mentioned by the female victim, Elaine Hsieh, a registered dietitian (United States), was interviewed by The Sky News to explain what a “ketogenic diet” is:

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She pointed out that continuous “ketosis” may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and cancer:

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Written by: Wu Zifeng

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