Losing Weight: The Importance of a Balanced Diet and Timely Dinner

2023-08-01 12:50:55

Gaining weight when you don’t have healthy habits is very easy. However, losing those extra kilos is a task that is sometimes complex and even more so if you don’t eat a balanced diet and don’t do physical exercise on a regular basis.

Maintaining a healthy weight also becomes more difficult with age. A publication from the digital media Business Insider ensures that it is normal that, as the years progress, the body requires fewer calories to function and if strategies are not adopted to maintain weight at an adequate level, it is possible that health problems start to appear.

However, specialists recommend not resorting to “miracle” diets, which make you lose kilos for a short time. While it is natural for anyone who wants to lose weight to want to lose weight quickly, this does not always work and can have adverse effects.

The intake of fruits and vegetables is key to maintaining a healthy weight. Photo: Getty Images. | Photo: Photo: Getty Images.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), evidence shows that people who lose weight gradually and steadily, between one and two pounds per week, achieve better results.

This is one of the main conclusions of an investigation carried out by the Harvard Medical School and published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism. This reality is closely related to the longest rest and inactivity time being at night, so the last meal of the day is digested more slowly.

Dinner should be eaten at least six and a half hours before going to sleep. | Photo: Getty Images

You shouldn’t eat late

To carry out the analysis, the scientists took a specific population with which they worked for 12 days. In this period, a total of 16 overweight people underwent a strict diet programmed by the researchers. This not only had a list of meals and specific foods, but also established the times in which they should consume them.

In a first stage, which lasted six days, the participants ate dinner six and a half hours before going to bed. Then, for another six days, his dinner time was two and a half hours before bed. During the study, the researchers monitored the participants’ appetite-regulating hormones, body temperature, calorie expenditure and fat cells.

To lose weight it is important not to eat dinner too late at night. | Photo: Tim Kitchen

Scientists propose that dinner hours should be European, that is, around 7:00 p.m., but the ideal is, given the results of the research, to do it six and a half hours before going to sleep.

The goal of maintaining a healthy weight is also achieved with a diet that includes products rich in fiber, as these fill you up faster and generate a feeling of satiety while consuming fewer calories. Therefore, the regular intake of fruits and vegetables is crucial. Likewise, lean protein and whole grains should not be missing, in addition to keeping the body highly hydrated and performing physical activity on a regular basis.

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