“Low profile threats and attacks from him” –

Center-right on the counterattack after the words of the mayor of Bari Antonio Decaro following the explosion of the investigation which concerned the Apulian capital. Mauro D’Attis, Forza Italia deputy and vice-president of the Anti-Mafia commission, responded in kind to the mayor: “Yesterday’s was a major media operation because Decaro is officially a candidate in the European elections. He recently approached me in Parliament and I remember, connecting it to what happened in his press conference, that challenging the initiative of the parliamentarians who had asked Piantedosi to delve deeper into the topic from the ministry’s point of view, he told me ‘remember that I have a good communication agency’. This reference to the communication agency, perhaps paid for with money from the municipality or the ANCI, was also expressed by Decaro to other centre-right parliamentarians when he came to the Chamber, perhaps to carry out a moral suasion operation”.

Bari Connection made a martyrdom, Gasparri attacks Decaro

D’Attis, interviewed by Tgcom, then continues his speech: “To me, who am vice-president of the Anti-Mafia commission, those words sounded like a veiled threat, which materialized yesterday with a press conference full of tears, of never-seen-before complaints for an appointment of an access commission and with a low profile attack when Decaro declared that ‘I’m not afraid of the bosses let alone if I’m afraid of D’Attis’, thus comparing the vice-president of the Anti-Mafia commission, just because he does his duty like many others, to the bosses we are talking about.”

At the bar with the bosses: Vote for Decaro.  The accusations of Bari Connection

#profile #threats #attacks #Tempo
2024-03-22 17:41:00

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