Lyons. Vincent Delerm launches an appeal to find his lost camera

Singer Vincent Delerm is sad this Saturday. He had planned to deliver to his Instagram followers a cover of his title The parallel lovers it won’t.

Thursday noon in Lyon, while he was strolling in the streets, his Leica camera disappeared. Stolen maybe, no doubt. On his Story, the singer throws a bottle into the sea to find his device.

“There is the lost object, and then there are the images”

Just a box, yes, but it contained images that are precious, sentimental. “On the train back, I was crossed by a lot of feelings, sadness to have lost this object which has accompanied me for several years, to have lost these shots filmed a few hours earlier in Alpha’s room at the Sun. »

A film project

Despite the sadness, Vincent Delerm does not forget to slip us clues regarding his next project. A film “to talk regarding the feeling of love”.

The artist exhibits his photos of Cannes at the Lumière Institute. Wednesday evening at the end of the opening, he met Alpha, a 21-year-old boy. “I asked him if he would agree to talk to me regarding the feeling of love for my next film and the next morning, I went to question him and film him at his home, on the slopes of the Croix-Rousse. When he left the apartment where he lives with his mother, he simply asked me if he might have some screenshots of the filmed shots. I will never be able to give him these images, and I am sorry because he had placed great trust in me by accepting this interview. »

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The singer only has an audio track, recorded separately, and an image taken on the iPhone.

Bear to the rescue

In this “apart” Saturday, Vincent Delerm is not alone. Among his many supporters, he can count on that of the artist Ours. “Yesterday while reading your bottle at sea, I wanted to leave straight away for the Croix Rousse route towards Part Dieu… I know how important this device is for you. »

If you have seen a Leica with Alpha images, give Vincent Delerm a sign.

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