Maduro announced changes in 4 ministries

Mature changes
Presidential Press Photo

Through the social network Twitter Nicolás Maduro announced that four ministries changed the headline.

The first change reported was the appointment of Diva Guzmán as the new minister for Women and Gender equality. “Lic. Diva Guzmán as the new minister for Women and Gender Equality. All my support and support to continue to provide our sisters, protection and accompaniment. Success in this task!”, he wrote on the net.

She will take the reins left by Margaud Godoy on January 29 when she was appointed ambassador of the regime in Honduras.

The second change announced was the appointment of Clara Vidal as minister for Indigenous Peoples.

“The Lcda. Clara Vidal will assume the leadership of the Ministry of People’s Power for Indigenous Peoples, in order to bring our original sisters and brothers comprehensive attention and guarantee their fundamental rights. Forbidden to fail them!», express.

Vidal had already been minister for Indigenous Peoples when she was appointed on 4 September 2015. In addition, he replaced Roside Virginia González, who was the minister since last August 20, 2021

The third change it was the appointment of Olga Luisa Figueroa, secretary of the Psuv in La Guaira, who assumes the reins of the Ministry for Fisheries and Aquaculture. “Let us continue to drive food plans and policies in this important sector. Fishermen have our full support. Let’s go to work!», say.

Figueroa was already attached to the fisheries cabinet as “deputy minister”.

Finally, Maduro appointed Magaly Gutiérrez Viña as head of the Ministry of Health, replacing Carlos Alvarado. Gutiérrez is the president of Venezuelan Social Security.

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