Maduro scolded Carmen Meléndez and Nahum Fernández

Mature Melendez
Presidential Press Photo

Nicolás Maduro scolded for the second time and in less than a week the head of the Government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández, and the mayor Carmen Meléndez, for carelessness in the streets of a popular Caracas neighborhood.

“When I left the highway, all the asphalt was destroyed and the sewers, all destroyed, going up from Los Flores, to go out to the Fajardo Palace. There is a sewer that I reported six months ago, myself, they have not done anything,” manifested in a television address.

“With you everything shines, all the beauty. They fall to coba to one. There are many jalamecates that tell one that everything is beautiful. Go out to the streets to look for the problems”, he added.

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