“Mai Thai Huajai Silp” raises the middle finger for the senator to abstain from voting, asking you to keep your voice for the concert tour?

2023-07-13 16:36:00

After the vote for the 30th prime minister today (July 13, 2023) has already come out by “Pita Limcharoenrat”, the leader of the Kao Klai party, not as prime minister

One of the entertainers who posted the most furious, it was seen to be “Mai Thai Hua Jai ​​Silp”, a famous molam who posted a lot of messages slapping the senators, especially those who abstained. Ready to raise the middle finger as well

“A senator who abstained from voting Do you keep your vocal cords for the concert tour? I ask real.” Including the post “Today, I don’t know what word to find to curse. Take a break. Open the concave line. Liton Chat will be a treasure to all senators,” with an emoji raising the middle finger.

Also posted to Senator Wanchai Sonsiri, who voted in favor of Phitha to become Prime Minister, saying, “Sen. Wanchai Sonsiri, very surprised. I’m sorry, I apologize for cursing that meal That meal, Chao Wao is the grandfather of Ili. But today I appreciate it.” Including “when going up to sing the part ‘May I have your voice?

#Mai #Thai #Huajai #Silp #raises #middle #finger #senator #abstain #voting #voice #concert #tour

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