Maintaining Health After 50: Tips to Stay Active and Travel with Your Partner

2023-10-21 20:17:05

When people reach the age of 50, their work and family usually enter a stable stage. How to maintain health so that the couple can grow old together, not needing to use a wheelchair in their later years, and can travel together? (Inside Creative House/Shutterstock) (Shutterstock)

It’s actually not too late to start living a healthy life at the age of 50! Guo Dawei, the general director of Taiwan’s Fuyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, reminded in the “Health 1+1” program that people over 50 should take good care of their health. Priority should be given to reducing tobacco and alcohol use, preferably quitting smoking and drinking, controlling weight, eating a regular and balanced diet and Exercise moderately and learn to relax, let go and look at things openly.

When people reach the age of 50, their work and family usually enter a stable stage. How to maintain health and health so that the couple can grow old together, do not need to use a wheelchair in their later years, and can travel together. So, what should you eat to maintain your health after the age of 50?

Eat more 6 types of foods to maintain health after the age of 50

People who are 50 years old should take good care of their health. David Guo recommends eating more of these 6 types of food:

1. Berries

Blueberries, cranberries, roselle, etc. are rich in fiber, vitamin C and flavonoids. Flavonoids can produce a large amount of antioxidants in the body, which can inhibit inflammation in the body, reduce brain decline, enhance long-term and short-term memory, and prevent dementia.

Published in Scientific Reports, a journal of Nature, in 2022a studyBerry supplements and foods have been shown to benefit brain cognitive function, memory performance, processing speed, and more.

The rich color of berries means they are rich in antioxidants and disease-fighting nutrients. (Shutterstock)

2. Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach, and sweet potato leaves have relatively high fiber content, which can relax the intestines and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Fish

Eat more pelagic or deep-sea fish, such as salmon, cod, and trout, which are rich in EPA, Omega-3, and DHA that are beneficial to brain development and can also inhibit vascular inflammation. Many people who like to eat sweets and greasy foods will accumulate a lot of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in their blood vessels. Ingesting ocean or deep-sea fish can remove these bad cholesterol, restore blood vessel elasticity, and reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease.

4. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. However, due to their high oil content, excessive intake is not advisable.

Published in the journal Nutrients in 2017a studyIt shows that nuts and seeds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, etc., and have potential antioxidant effects, which can improve blood sugar, lipid metabolism, inflammation, etc., and prevent some chronic diseases.

Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Eat eggs, salmon, nuts, whole grains and other foods. (shutterstock)

5. cheese

Cheese is rich in whey protein and is also a good source of vitamin D. But if you have urticaria or atopic dermatitis, you should be careful. Cheese may induce allergies.

The vitamin D in cheese can promote calcium absorption, resist bone loss, and prevent osteoporosis. Animal liver, seafood, eggs and tofu are also rich in vitamin D.

In addition, you can bask in the sun appropriately and do some weight-bearing exercises, which can increase the absorption of vitamin D and calcium.

6. Soybeans

Soybeans and soy milk are rich in iron, potassium, magnesium and other elements, which can effectively lower cholesterol. Magnesium can also help with sleep, which is especially suitable for menopausal people.

Supplementing potassium can help lower blood pressure and reduce the complications of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Potassium is found in many high-fiber plants, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, etc.

To maintain health and fitness after the age of 50, you must take care of your kidneys, spleen, stomach, and heart.

People around the age of 50 are prone to physical decline, so daily maintenance of the internal organs is indispensable. Guo Dawei suggested that special attention should be paid to the health of the kidneys, spleen, stomach and heart.

1. Kidney

Chinese medicine teaches that “kidneys govern bones and generate marrow.” When the energy of the kidneys is insufficient, premature aging phenomena such as waist and knee weakness, dizziness, hair turning white or falling out, and tooth shaking are prone to occur. These problems are also related to daily excessive fatigue. To protect the kidneys, Avoid overwork and illness.

Many foods can nourish the kidneys and enhance kidney function, the most important of which is to eat more black foods. (Shutterstock)

2. Spleen and stomach

Many people around the age of 50 usually supplement a lot of enzymes or probiotics, but still experience intestinal problems and irregular bowel movements. David Guo said that some enzymes may contain laxatives such as cassia seed extract and sennosides. Ingredients, long-term use will make the gastrointestinal tract dependent, and it will become unable to peristalsis without these ingredients. Therefore, the best way to help defecation is to promote normal gastrointestinal motility through diet and exercise.

Pay attention to whether defecation is smooth. It is best to eat 70% full to keep the stomach and intestines in a constant state of hunger, which can reduce the metabolic burden on the body.

3. Heart

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the heart governs the blood vessels and the heart governs the gods.” This means that the heart is responsible for regulating the flow of blood and managing the mental activities of the human body. Mentality also affects a person’s health. If you are in a cheerful mood, your body’s ability to heal itself will be better.

David Guo recalled that when he started his business, a friend gave him a saying: A happy heart is good medicine. At the time, he thought this sentence was written for patients, but now it seems that it is also a reminder for himself.

How to maintain health after the age of 50? Click to watch the video:

In this chaotic world, if you want to be healthy, look at Health 1+1!

Editors: Wu Michen, Li Fan

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