“Man Bathes in Rhino Enclosure – Auckland Zoo Incident”

2023-04-22 20:36:35

(Picture credit from pixabay)

Not in the tub, but in the ‘rhino enclosure’ at the zoo.

I know that Different people, different minds, different hearts. like to do something different

but in this world there are still ‘Some people‘ who likes to do things differently from others

The kind that anyone who sees it can’t help but think that What did he do it for?


Recently, there has been an incident that even ‘rhinoceros’ in Auckland Zoo New Zealand



also standing and staringshock when a man goes down ‘Bathing’ in the pond inside the rhinoceros enclosure!!!

This was confirmed by an Auckland Zoo spokesman who told the media:

“Obviously the intruder frightened the rhino.”

This work has images from the clip shown. The man immersed in the well for several minutes in the rhinoceros enclosure.

before being invited by the zoo staff and handed over to the police

Zoo director Kevin Buley said he was relieved that no animals or people were hurt.

and said “We hope that this man will get help which is evident He needs help.

may ‘hot’ or maybe ‘fun’ Want to do something prank?

This is trying to come up with an answer to help do it. ‘understanding’What did he do it for?


#tub #rhino #enclosure #zoo

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