Margie’s mother almost lost her name. She cried to Chatchat. Help me decide where I was wrong.

Margie’s mother almost lost her name. She cried to Chatchat. Help me decide where I was wrong.

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This must be reached Chatchart, Governor of Bangkok. When walking on a nice sidewalk Neng Orasri Honnold, Margie Rasri’s mother almost no name When a van suddenly came to a stop on the pavement, I told the security guard to warn the driver that he was parked on the sidewalk and got an answer that made Mae Neng’s head hot.

Take a photo of the van parked on the sidewalk. along with the message that The most urgent matter!!!! Dear Governor of Bangkok, Mr. Chatchat, as a friend running the Lum Park together. Today I walk home on Lang Suan Road.

I walk on the sidewalk This car was driven on the sidewalk. Almost hit me!! Just a red line cut in eight!! My nose almost touched the car’s ear!!! The driver turned around with a very indifferent smile!!!

I waited for the car to stop and told the security guard. There it said, “This is a sidewalk for pedestrians!! Please tell them (because the driver is still in the car). “He parked like this for a long time.”55555

Mr. Chatchatkha I had to walk home in confusion, “Is this my fault or the wrong car???? Or if we study too little, we must go to study law more yesterday!!! So I have to ask you to help determine who is at fault???? If Bao Boon Jin was staying, I wouldn’t bother you. Please help me. #work work work

Thanks for the pic from IG : margie_orasri

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