Marinakis on the Cup remaining with out individuals: “The administration and the choice of the EPO are inexplicable” 2024-05-18 01:10:44

The Authorities Spokesperson described the administration of the Federation as “inexplicable”, stating that it selected the stadium that doesn’t have cameras to carry the ultimate.

What he stated intimately:

“To begin with, this isn’t a call of the Authorities. The Greek state by means of the competent authorities, on this case the Police, provides each essential assurance to arrange the ultimate of the Greek Cup with followers.

It’s unhappy to see the ultimate behind closed doorways. Nevertheless, it’s a resolution of the EPO. I’d say that the administration and the choice as an entire are inexplicable at a time when a European remaining of the Convention League is being organized in the identical nation with the participation of a Greek crew.

It’s a contradiction that ought to concern the authorities in Greek soccer. The one stadium of the Stoiximan Tremendous League that has not complied with the digital camera laws was chosen and that is additionally the explanation why the match is being performed with out followers.

We can’t ignore the legislation, which has been handed, and all the opposite groups at their headquarters have adopted it and the digital ticket has been carried out.

It is a disgrace, let’s hope it is the final time. Now there are the instruments, there’s additionally the mechanism and the state mechanism has been examined in crucial matches and has confirmed that it may possibly perform such vital sporting occasions by way of the security of the followers.

And when the legislation isn’t revered, penalties are imposed.

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