Mario Vargas Llosa: “Between Bolsonaro, with antics, and Lula, I prefer Bolsonaro” | MVLL | Montevideo | CED | Brazil | | WORLD

The Spanish-Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa gave his opinion this Wednesday about the elections that will be held next October in Brazil and pointed out that, despite “the antics” of the current president, the far-right Jair Bolsonaroprefers a victory of his own over the applicant, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

The Nobel Prize for Literature In 2010 he offered a talk in Montevideo invited by the ‘think tank’ Center for Development Studies (CED, liberal), in which he spoke about current affairs in Latin American countries, including Brazil.

MIRA: Lula launches his candidacy for the Brazilian presidential elections

“In case of Bolsonaro It is very difficult. Bolsonaro’s antics are very difficult for a liberal to admit. Now, between Bolsonaro and Lula, I prefer Bolsonaro. With Bolsonaro’s antics, it’s not Lula.” He commented on the one who was Brazilian president between 2003 and 2010 and who will oppose the current president in the next elections.

The author of “The goat party”, “The city and the dogs” or “Conversations in the Cathedral” pointed out that “There is a kind of infatuation with Lula, especially in Europe”, but he recalled that the former Brazilian president “He was imprisoned” and the judges condemned him “as a thief.”

Vargas Llosa insisted that Bolsonaro “is not a candidate that arouses our enthusiasm”, although he only issued a deep criticism of him when talking about his denial of vaccines against covid-19, a disease that the winner of the 1994 Cervantes Prize has just suffered.

“It’s nonsense, it’s absurd to confront each other the way you’ve done. It seems completely irresponsible“, said.

According to the latest survey published in Brazil this Tuesday, the advantage that Lula da Silva has in the opinion polls for October fell six percentage points in three months.

Despite the fact that the socialist leader continues as the great favorite and still leads the polls with a wide advantage, the distance that separates him from the far-right leader and his main opponent in the elections fell from 14.2 percentage points in February to 8.6 points in May, according to the survey published by the firm MDA.

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