Massa launched his spot for the runoff with hints at Milei and a mention of Vaca Muerta

2023-11-07 23:32:35

With less than two weeks until the November 19 runoff, the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massareleased this Tuesday your new spot, almost two minutes long and a message anchored in the recovery of the national economy. «The Argentina we were waiting for is coming«, begins the short.

The video was spread through the social networks of the official presidential candidate, who will face the candidate of La Libertad Avanza in the second round of elections. Javier Mileymentioned indirectly in the footage.

«The Argentina we were waiting for is coming. The one who defends what is right and changes what is wrong. And that Argentina that your parents have been waiting for so much, they will just be able to see. She comes the Argentina of “let them all return”, that not a single one of our children is left outside«, begins the spot, combining current and old images of the country.

The message, already with Massa on the screen, also points out that the Argentina that is coming is the «of credit» and the one that is going to take the foot off the heads of the citizens «to put it on the accelerator of those who produce«.

Later, the video assures that the country is «to relate to the world, without letting those outside devour us» and will have women working because they will have «where to leave their children.»

Sergio Massa’s new spot: “He would never sell his organs”

Moments later, the voice-over throws a clear hint against Milei, pointing out that “An Argentina comes with a heart so big that it would never sell its organs«, in reference to the questioned proposal of the libertarian and other leaders of his space.

«The same Argentina that Mario expected, the one that liberates the Camp and not the prisoners. That of the children in schools and that of the teachers inside the classroom,” explains the spot.

And he adds, in another criticism against the opposition candidate, that the next one is a country “predictable, without surprises, because if there is something that Argentines were not expecting, it is to be left without public education. We also didn’t expect to carry weapons«.

At the end, the message reviews Massa’s recent measures as Minister of Economy and lists the modification Income Tax, VAT refund and the Previaje program, among other initiatives.

«But do you know what awaits us? Argentina. Lithium awaits us. The second gas reserve in the world. More gas pipelines and the potential of thousands of SMEs. On December 10, the wait is over, because the Argentina we were waiting for is coming,” he concludes, with a brief mention of the Vaca Muerta formation.

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