Mastering Jet Lag: The Impact of Time Differences on Your Body’s Biological Clock

2023-12-08 16:00:00

When traveling, I get up early every day. When I return to Hong Kong, I resume the lifestyle habits I have had for decades and go to bed late. Even so, I still woke up about an hour earlier than before my trip. This hour is the time difference between Hong Kong and Japan.

Japan is one hour ahead of Hong Kong, which sounds insignificant, but when you happen to have something to do between the two places, the one-hour time difference will be magnified. Especially when it comes to a certain period of time, for example, when the Japanese go to work, the Hong Kong people have not yet gone to work. Similarly, there is still an hour to go to work in Hong Kong, but the Japanese have already got off work. If you happen to have to do something during this time, the one-hour time difference will be infinite. If it is midnight, according to computer program calculation, this hour will be a day different.

The human body’s biological clock will also be affected by this. When you go to bed an hour earlier every day and arrive at a place where the jet lag is one hour delayed – such as returning to Hong Kong from Japan – you think it is still early, but you feel sleepy. , so you unknowingly went to bed an hour early. The next day I woke up an hour earlier.

You think it means “early to bed and early to bed”, but actually it may also mean “early to bed and early to bed”. Just like “get up early and go to bed early” advocated by Li Cheng, a famous professor of psychiatry in Hong Kong, you don’t have to force yourself to “go to bed early and get up early”. Sometimes you may not be able to sleep if you go to bed early. But you can tell yourself to get up early, set a time, and no matter how late you go to bed, you must get up at that time. After a day’s operation, your body adjusts your sleep time just like it adjusts to jet lag. After you wake up early, you will naturally go to bed early, even if the difference is only an hour.

Therefore, it is impossible to completely get rid of the constraints of life. Just a one-hour time difference can make people so concerned and take it seriously.

Li Chun’en

#Lee #ChuneunJet #lagLive #good #life

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