Maudy Ayunda Dismantles Expectations of Marrying a Korean Husband, It Turns Out the Reality…


Every couple has certain expectations of their partner, Mother. As a public figure who always pays attention, it turns out that this also applies to Maudy Ayunda.

Maudy is married to Jesse Choi, a man born in South Korea. This marriage with a very different cultural background made the eldest daughter of two siblings have expectations of her husband.

This topic Maudy discussed with her best friend, Putri Tanjung. On this occasion, both of them shared stories about their respective partners.

Talking about her husband, Maudy admits that these expectations are related to the changes in Jesse’s life after marrying him. Maudy admitted, this expectation was not in accordance with reality.

“I already feel quite familiar with it, but what’s different is that I expect Jesse’s transition to moving here to be tougher. He’ll be quite struggle, mentaly first right (supposedly),” he said, quoted from the channel YouTube Maudy Ayunda.

“It’s a big transition, the first time Jesse has moved here. It was really his first time visit Jakarta. So the expectation is that it will be difficult, there will be times when and of course there will be challenges,” he continued.

Who would have thought, it turns out that these expectations were just Maudy’s thoughts, Mother. Because it turns out, Jesse Choi actually seems to be able to live life in Jakarta very well.

Jesse Choi was able to adapt very quickly. Even Maudy admits that her husband can make Jakarta his home, where he returns, because he feels comfortable.

“Just, i’ve also been surprised (I was shocked too). How gracefully, quickly, he can makes Jakarta his home (How easy, fast, he can live comfortably in Jakarta,)” he said.

Read the rest on the following page, Mother.

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Also check out parenting tips for smart kids like Maudy Ayunda in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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