Maudy Ayunda’s Father Gives 4 Advice for Jesse Choi

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Ayah Maudy Ayunda, Didit Jasmedi R. Irawan, gave four messages to his son-in-law, Jesse Choi. The message was delivered after Maudy and Jesse’s marriage contract.

The message conveyed by Didit Jasmedi is called Catur Wedha in Javanese. Chess Veda is four pieces of advice given by the father of the bride to the prospective son-in-law.

The message Didit conveyed was then shared by Maudy’s mother, Mauren Jasmedi, on her Instagram account on Friday, (3/6).

In the upload, Jesse Choi’s father-in-law also shared a number of moments during the wedding, such as when Jesse Choi shook Maudy’s father’s hand and when the bride and groom were silent to Didit and Mauren.

“My beloved son, Jesse Jisoek Choi @jessechoi_ when you take on a new meaningful role as a husband. I have some advice, which is called CATUR WEDHA,” said Didit.

The first message that Didit conveyed was that Jesse had to be more mature at every step. Jesse also advises to refrain from acting like an unmarried person who only cares about himself.

Maudy Ayunda’s father, Didit Jasmedi R. Irawan, gave four messages to his son-in-law, Jesse Choi. : (Screnshot from Instagram @muren.s )

Second, Jesse is given advice to respect Maudy’s parents as much as his own.

“This is because, we also now see you as our own son,” said Didit.

Continue to the next …

Maudy’s Parental Advice for Jesse Choi


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