Maximizing Survival Chances with Defibrillators: A Comprehensive Guide to Buying and Using Them for Cardiac Arrest at Home or in the Workplace

2023-04-19 13:21:00

In the event of a cardiac arrest at home or in the workplace, immediate care is required, ideally by a healthcare professional. But while waiting for such an intervention, the use of a defibrillator is recommended to maximize the victim’s chances of survival.

Defibrillator: what is it?

The defibrillator is an electrical device that is used to send an electric shock to the heart of a person in a state of cardiac arrest. This electrical impulse stimulates the heart muscle, a potentially life-saving gesture for the victim in a state of ventricular fibrillation. Marketed by specialist suppliers such as Cardiopro, the defibrillator can be used by individuals. This means that even a person outside the medical profession has the possibility of making use of it.

How it works ?

The cardiac defibrillator, and more precisely the automated external defibrillator (AED), is a mobile device powered by batteries and equipped with two flat and adhesive electrodes. In addition to conducting electrical current, these electrodes are used to establish a diagnosis. It is this diagnosis that decides on the relevance of sending an electric shock.

The cases of use of automated defibrillators are the easiest to grasp, since the worker relies on the “decisions” of the device. The user is guided throughout the intervention by visual and voice instructions. This ease of use makes automated defibrillators tools of public order. The intervention process is quite simple to follow:

– Prepare the victim by taking him to a dry surface as a safety measure;

– Make sure the chest is dry;

– Turn on the defibrillator and place the electrodes on the chest of the person in cardiac arrest;

– Follow and apply the voice instructions of the defibrillator.

In case of proven cardiac arrest, the device provides the indications to follow for an effective defibrillation.

Generally, the general public has access to automated (AED) and semi-automated (ASD) defibrillators. Both devices have a fairly similar mode of operation, with the only difference that using an AED, the electric shock is delivered without the rescuer having to intervene. If the rescuer is using a semi-automated device, they are responsible for pressing a button to administer the electric shock if necessary.

Buying a defibrillator: why is it important?

The defibrillator is a piece of public utility equipment that saves lives. This is all the more obvious when we know that in France ACS or sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death, around 50,000 deaths per year. Time is an essential factor in the management of people in cardiac arrest. The chances of saving the victim are correlated to the speed of the intervention.

It’s a real race against time that begins with the occurrence of sudden cardiac arrest. Care should ideally be administered within the first 5 minutes after the attack. In this period of time, the survival rate is estimated at 5‰. But this score improves significantly (up to 40 times) if the patient receives an electric shock.

Using a defibrillator therefore saves valuable time while waiting for a medical team to take over. The ease of use of the device makes it even more useful. Note that defibrillation and cardiac massage are complementary. When all these gestures are carried out effectively in the shortest possible time, the chances for the victims to come out without sequelae increase.

Who can buy a defibrillator?

The use of an automated external defibrillator (DAE and DSA) is governed by decree No. 2007-705 of May 4, 2007 which provides that anyone, even non-doctor, can handle this device. In clear terms, even private individuals can obtain them.

This gesture is even encouraged since having this device at home makes it possible to quickly provide assistance to a person in cardiac arrest. Remember that defibrillation is not an isolated act. It is an integral part of a chain of survival in which all the links are as essential as each other.

Before proceeding with the actual defibrillation, the first reflex is to contact the emergency services. Then, it is necessary to carry out a cardiac massage before resorting to the defibrillator. The latter will determine, after analysis, if an electric shock is necessary to restart the heart. It is also recommended to alternate defibrillation and cardiac massage while waiting for help.

With regard to the purchase of defibrillators for companies, its legal framework is delimited by article R123-57 of the Construction and Housing Code and by the decree of December 19, 2018. These texts stipulate that the presence of this equipment is mandatory in establishments open to the public such as care establishments, stations or reception facilities for the elderly.

How to choose your defibrillator?

The defibrillator being an emergency medical device, its choice must be made by considering strict criteria. Although the price remains a determining factor, it does not outweigh other elements such as product quality and reliability, ease of use, battery life and modularity.

For product quality, give preference to well-established manufacturers with proven reliability. The presence of an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) marking is one of the quality signals to be tracked down.

The effectiveness of an automated defibrillator lies in its ability to provide detailed, easy-to-follow instructions. This is a characteristic that is all the more essential in that it promotes rapid treatment.

On the other hand, the performance of the hardware depends on its sensitivity. With a defibrillator with a sensitive amplifier, the diagnosis of cardiac activity is more accurate, which optimizes the survival rate.

As for modularity, ensure that certain parts of the device such as the batteries and the electrodes can be changed without affecting the operation of the whole. Defibrillators need maintenance to remain efficient over time. This can go through the replacement of the electrodes or through maintenance, which should preferably be entrusted to a professional.

The defibrillator is a device designed to save lives. It is part of the essential equipment to have at home or at work for rapid treatment of victims of cardiac arrest.

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