This Thursday in Santiago, the mayor of Chillán Camilo Benavente and the senator for Ñuble Gustavo Sanhueza will meet with the president of the National Football Association (ANFP) so that the capital of Ñuble can be considered as the venue for the Under 20 World Cup that will be held in Chile in 2025.

At the meeting, background information will be provided on the advantages of the Nelson Oyarzún Arenas Bicentenario Stadium and the city of Chillán in terms of hotels, connectivity and proximity to the airport. An aspect that could be key points to the security system with tele-surveillance cameras that allow visual information to be provided in criminal cases or incivilities in the main sports venue in the region and its surroundings. Although Chillán does not appear in the initial list presented by ANFP, Mayor Camilo Benavente sent a letter to the organization to formally request the inclusion of Chillán. This meeting at the ANFP offices with Pablo Milad will be possible thanks to the efforts of Senator Sanhueza and the region’s representative Marta Bravo.

“Tomorrow we have a meeting with the ANFP to present the advantages of Chillán and Ñuble to organize the U-20 World Cup,” said the mayor.